The Mystery of Pence and New Hampshire – IOTW Report

The Mystery of Pence and New Hampshire


The reason for Vice President Mike Pence canceling a visit to New Hampshire remains a mystery, but President Trump said Friday that it had to do with something in New Hampshire — and not the White House.

Reporters asked Trump about it, stoking further questions about what transpired Tuesday. The exchange:

Trump: “You’ll know in about two weeks.

Reporter: What is it?

Trump: “There was a very interesting problem that they had in New Hampshire …”

Reporter: What kind of problem?”

Trump: “I can’t tell you about it. It had nothing to do with White House. There was a problem up there and I won’t go into what the problem was, but you’ll see in a week or two.”


Any Guesses?

22 Comments on The Mystery of Pence and New Hampshire

  1. @Jethro — I’m always up around this time — or much earlier. Nature calls — and the cats go out/in, out/in, out/in….

    arggh! I’ve spoiled them rotten!

  2. I’m always up early by 5-5:30 AM, and sometimes earlier. This morning it was almost 6 AM with enough time to get ready for chapter 8 of The Lost City Of The Jungle on TCM at 6:30 AM. I love watching old serial cliffhanger short movies on Sat. mornings. Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe was better though.

  3. I’m convinced that a UFO landed packed with illegal aliens from space, under the orders of the Illuminati and the Rothschilds and a time-warped Martin Bormann was at the controls


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