The Narrative is Crumbling – IOTW Report

The Narrative is Crumbling

Awaken With JP– The main stream media narrative is falling apart with the public losing trust. Here are 16 reasons why.

13 Comments on The Narrative is Crumbling

  1. All joking aside,
    LYING to people so that they will feel guilty enough to jab THEIR OWN HEALTHY children with an experimental drug of NO PROVEN BENEFIT and of unknown future harmfulness including lifelong maladies or sudden DEATH

    is as bad as anything done by Attila the Hun, the real Hitler, or any historical demon you can name.

  2. I don’t need 16 reasons why not to get the jab. There’s only 1 reason why, my body my choice. No worries, no stress, no wondering if I’m going to drop dead, no worries that a loved one will drop dead from the jab, I could go on and on and give 1,000 reasons. 16 reasons doesn’t cut it with me.

  3. The Joe Rogan tongue bath is unwarrented. I greatly appreciate his forthright interviews allowing censored, world class virologists to explain their POV. Bravo.

    But then he stepped around asking globalist HR McMaster what exactly our interest in Syria was. He didn’t press him on why we should continue to support NATO or WTF Blinken is doing poking Putin over Ukraine. This guy was yet another poor Trump appointee replacing, I believe, the fucking lunatic Bolten.

    IOW there is a huge amount of information out here and relying on any one source or even 4 or 5 is not a winning strategy. I also appreciate JP, very funny but the US Narrative left my dock 30 years ago.

    I start with the assumption that everything the government is telling me is AT THE BEST, shaded but usually it’s well beyond that.

  4. Certainly if government says a thing, the correct initial assumption is they are lying for gain. Subsequent review and investigation may reveal additional information supporting or opposing that assumption and is worth doing under certain circumstances.


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