1. And believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, that he was able to convince simpleton voters that he was fighting for them in congress, while actually getting rich from extortion and bribes through his fake foundations…for THIRTY YEARS!

  2. Come one, come all, see the Corpse of Vicious, Vindictive, Vain McCain.
    Watch history be rewritten right before your eyes, where lies become Truth, mediocre pilots become heroes and ineffective, self serving Political Hacks become Statesmen.

  3. I love a circus! I saw the corpse of the RINO man. Now I am waiting in line at the John McCain flight simulator ride! Sure it’s all banged up and has started fires but if you walk away after 3 crashes you get ur Maverick card.

  4. Organgrinder has a great point…that POS orchestrated all this himself. Right down to that ham hock-chompin’ fat ass daughter of his taking pot shots at Trump, no doubt. So afraid that he wouldn’t be given his rightful sendoff, he turned his funeral into a running gag.

    Way to go, Johnny boy…you were a fuck up even AFTER you died. I guess that oughta give you some recognition…

  5. Hillary, who runs a side shit show barks:

    “Come one, come all!
    [Go away, Bill, ya bother me!] *whiplash*

    For a mere $5 er…*looks around* $20. $20 dollars, you can watch the McCain sisters fight in the galvanized cage for John McCain’s senate seat located in the misogynist state of Arizona, which did not vote for me in the 2016 election!

    You will be stunned!
    *whiplash* OW! Watch it, ya fat bi–
    You will be amazed!
    You will be charged extra for drinks!

    All for a low low price of twen…er.. 40 dollars!!!”

  6. MJA. After watching the cage fights come relax at the Hilton massage tent! Where you’ll be treated with extra special care (meanwhile your fellow prisoners are still being tortured horribly). If you listen real carefully you can hear the news media say while you’re being massaged “Me so horny, me love you long time!”

  7. Who among you had the courage to listen the Joe Biden’s speech?
    Pray tell, what did he have to say after, “My name is Joe Biden.”
    Long pause, some applause……. “I’m a democrat.” Long pause, more applause…… “And I loved John McCain.” Applause. “Sniff, sniff.”
    And I switched to Pawn Stars.
    If the idiot said something idiotic, please let me know. I need a good laugh.

  8. It’s been a bad week for funerals. I’m burying a friend tomorrow, Jim Connery, and another Wednesday, Dave “Red” Clifford, both veterans.
    RIP guys. McCain couldn’t shine their shoes

  9. I haven’t seen this much excessive phony adulation since that child molesting, monkey hugging, skin lightening, drug addled Michael Jackson finally overdosed. He did a lot less damage than John McCain to our country, but the attention that the MSDM gave to that pervert was almost as much as they are giving to this Rinocrat. I can only imagine what a send off President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton is going to get from the MSDM. They actually adore her. I’m looking forward to the event, but not the media circus.

  10. Is he buried yet?
    I’m kind of sick of him, can’t flip through channels without something about McCain, can’t get online without seeing something about McCain.
    Hell I don’t think a dead king would have gotten this much attention.

  11. Ms. Lindsey “The Bearded Lady” Graham was on a talk show, defending Meghan “The 200 lb Lead Balloon” McCain’s sanctimonious attack against President Trump. RINOs really define stupid.

  12. I smell another Weekend at Bernies reboot in the makings…

    Weekend at Johnny’s, where GW and Obama drag McVain’s corpse around the country, making desparaging remarks about Trump and dragging McVain’s corpse onto the Senate floor to fuck over his old base again.

    FFS, man, JFK was put under the ground in 3 days. The only reason these DC assholes are dragging this out so long is because they want to generate a ragefest against Trump because he shouldered his way into their exclusive coloney for psypathic assholes without getting an official invite.

    It must terrify them how few people give a fuck about them anymore.

  13. AARON

    I am a Christian. But some of my ancestors chased the Romand from England 1,800 years ago. So while fighting JFK’s war I believed(As many of my buds died ) that I would both Valhalla because I died fighting ChiCom!

    I thank God He spared me! But I was a Danish Berserker in ’67 + ’68!

    speaking of God

    – God bless Don!

  14. The more I think about it – the advice about speaking no ill of the dead is unbalanced. It’s a coin with a second side.

    It’s an ancient saying to never speak ill of the dead. Or of the dead say only good. (a so-called mortuary aphorism) To show respect for the departed.

    But shouldn’t that advice equally apply to the soon departing?
    JM clearly didn’t think so.

    The dead also should not speak evil of the living with their last breath to get in the last word in before expiring. They have an equal responsibility of civility to show respect for the living who will remain and have to struggle to make their way through a difficult world.

    The living will have to deal with the consequences of the negative statement made about them. The dead otoh, got in the last word, and don’t really give a rat’s rear end about any evil said of them after they expired. How can they care? They’re dead. And JM departed speaking ill of the living with his death song and last breaths, and continues to speak ill of the living and show disrespect for them via his living worshiping representatives at the departure circus.

    Oh, and the living still have opportunity to repeat, and change their ways from not treating others as they would want to be treated. The opportunity to repent, and change their ways from treating others poorly doesn’t exist for the departing. Their time is almost up. Just moments away. They have more to loose, and shouldn’t let their final words buy them a ticket to a final destination they’d rather not go to.

    [I still recall the advice on a little brass plaque that was always visible just above my sub’s CO’s head in his state room during my annual one on one review. “Keep your words short and sweet because you may have to eat them.” Good advice]

  15. Terrific genius picture! Captures the essence of the illusion show perfectly.

    The $15 admission is to dang high, but I still wouldn’t enter if the admission price were only 15¢, and someone purchased the ticker for me.

  16. Is there anyone who can start a countdown website where people can sign up to pee on McCain’s grave? Or is his “tomb” really going to be off limits to the general public? I can imagine him setting it up that way. He must have known there would be a long line of aggrieved Americans wanting to relieve themselves on his gravesite. If it is really off limits, how about Trump issues an Executive Order to allow access for the next thirty days so the American People can “pee their respects”? I mean, “pay”.


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