The Never Have I Ever Game (Left-wing version) – IOTW Report

The Never Have I Ever Game (Left-wing version)

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86 Comments on The Never Have I Ever Game (Left-wing version)

  1. Cleaned a gun? How about not crapping myself when I see a real gun? (But I looove John Wick!)

    Horrorman nailed it in the first post. A Facebook friend posted today a pic of Jesus ‘demanding’ that Christians build homeless shelters. I responded by saying that ‘He would say you should do it. Will you?’ Still waiting on a response.

  2. At the age of 10, Shoveled snow in the winter, Mowed yards in the summer, or had a lemonade stand to make money, then saved the money in a literal Piggy Bank.

  3. Had a paper-route where you had to stuff, fold, band, and deliver the newspaper, then go “collecting” from all your customers, being sure to manage all their accounts accurately.

  4. Laughed at a joke because all of them are offensive.

    Given time or money to a charity I claim to support.

    Used deodorant.

    Been friends with or invited to my home someone of a different race or ethnicity.

    Gotten my head out of my ass.

    Left a tip for a server.

  5. Question someone where they get there news from.

    They make this weird face when you tell them something (real news) they are supposed to know already.


  6. Never Have I ever sent my children to Catholic schools grade 1-12 including Church on Sundays , and then
    denied Christ and then raised them as full fledged atheist.
    (True Story)

  7. Conservative version:

    Considered life to be a series of pre-determined outcomes derived fron a nihlist perspective through the lens of my own conscious self-analysis.

    Yours in Patriotism,

    Barack Obama’s Dead Fly


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