The #NeverTrump’s Chosen Candidate Has Troubling Resume Inconsistencies – IOTW Report

The #NeverTrump’s Chosen Candidate Has Troubling Resume Inconsistencies

The man chosen to save the world has 2 resumes online that contradict each other.

Here’s Evan McMullin’s Linkedin biography.

mcmullin linked in

Here’s what he says on his “candidate” website.
mcmullim website

His Linkedin profile says he was already in the CIA/NCS by 1999, when he was 23 years old.

His candidate website says he was in training at Langley in 2001, even though Langley is where you work, you don’t train there. You train at Camp Peary in Williamsburg.

There are other weird claims that don’t add up. See them HERE.

ht/ just the tip


22 Comments on The #NeverTrump’s Chosen Candidate Has Troubling Resume Inconsistencies

  1. Wait until this Mormon dies and realizes there’s no personal planet to have celestial sex on for eternity so he can make other “gods.”

    Wait until Glenn Beck dies and is hit with the Truth. He’ll cry so damn much his tears may put out the fires of hell!

  2. I’m shocked. Consider the organization. You start out with shit, you usually end up with shit. Does that guy look like a bad ass spook to anybody here? Maybe he was office personnel. Maybe he polishes Mittens knob and is occasionally lent out to Glen Beck. Rumor has it Beck cries when his knob is being polished.

  3. The best is the news media so eager to see Trump screwed over they didn’t bother to do any research. Nor did the dream team that put this guy up. Trump derangement syndrome on full display.

  4. I feel sorry for Becks wife. She should have her toes curled once in her life by I real man. I’m mean really, drying Glen’s pillow case every mornings got to be getting old.

  5. Listened to Levin today. He let’s a caller go on and about how they are going to write in Cruz for POTUS, another caller wails how he was a Trump supporter but because of Trump’s 2A comment today he is now #NeverTrump.

    Levin does nothing to sway his callers…then in the next slot rails against what America would be like under President Hillary.

    After the commercial break-berates other radio hosts who are “all in” for Trump. Then says if “we lose” it’s because Trump is a bad candidate and infers we had the perfect opportunity (i.e….Cruz) and we blew it for a nationalistic populist.


    #NeverTrumpers are blind schizophrenic leprechauns looking for their pot of gold-but Trump has it all inside Trump Tower.

  6. What happened, #nevertrump? Did Tommy Vietor turn you down? But this guy is ok too, I guess. For whatever it is that you’re going to do. Is there a fantasy politics league I don’t know about?

  7. Illustrator, O have several unhealthy habits. One of them is to check the Right Poop twice a day to see if I can make the veins in my neck exlode. After a long absence Super Mex reappeared sounding like Morning Joe slamming Trump on his 2A statement today. OK, so any Patriot gets what DJT was saying. Therefore I say after the wall is finished we throw this white guy living in fucking Oregon over the fence. Oh and fuck Levin. He don’t get it and never will.

  8. “Split the vote enough and your side will not win.”

    Not too worried about Mr. minivan stepping in months late millions short, scrambling just to get on ballots and his shoes are untied.

    Just kidding about the shoes. They’re loafers.

  9. He looks like a member of Barry’s “New military” and talks like a progressive tool.
    There are not enough panty waste elites to split the vote using a candidate nobody knows.
    If somehow Hellary’s phantom and illegal voters can be minimized, Trump wins by a landslide.

  10. The ‘never trump’ movement among the GOP is tiny. It is not the reason he is having trouble getting traction against Hillary. Consider, the Bernouts are a much larger group (at least 30 times the size) and she is hanging on, even making inroads with them.
    There are three choices as to how to deal with the malcontents on our side.
    Ignore them.
    Try to bridge the gap between them and us.
    Back them into a corner so they can’t vote for Trump while giving them credibility by constantly attacking them.
    The attacks on dissenters on our side is working, some have even gone so far as to say they will vote for Hillary.
    That is the reason this is happening.
    The people that Trump supporters don’t want voting for him want an alternative to Hillary.
    If their votes are unwanted, this is a better solution as the vote is null rather than countering a vote for Trump.
    This is not the time to cut off ones nose to spite his face.

  11. Jerry M. That’s the kind of hate filled pysco-babel that could put Idaho, Utah & Wyoming in play and turn Colorado blue.

    That is the kind of excrement that I can’t make apologies for when the @nevertrump crowd cite ‘the kind of people trump attracts’. I can only say, yes trump seems to attracts troglodytes like moths to a flame but by god the likes of BLM or LaRaza don’t flock to him…. unlike Hillary.

    We work under harsh disadvantages. The MSM will focus on the trump supporters like yourself while ignoring even more deplorable cretins. If trump wins it will be in spite of your efforts and not because of them. But the thing the @neverturmp crowd are scared of more than anything else is the thought of trump’s victory means you are the new norm. I’m beginning to understand them a bit more clearly. For what its worth I still hold Hillary needs to lose- but you are testing that conclusion.

  12. Hew Hewitt had some guy on today listing a bunch of aged RINOs who are now voting for Hillary because Trump ordered a hit on her. Yesterday, Hew had this McMormom guy on and he was fluffing his campaign. I guess the guest on today, and all of he old RINOs, weren’t listening to Hew yesterday, because they ran straight past McMormon to Hillary.

    It hasn’t dawned on the #nevertrumpers that the voters they are after don’t want to waste their vote on some schlub off the street. They actually want Hillary to win and are looking for any excuse to support her. They might have supported schlub before but the fact is that Hillary is in deep trouble and she needs every RINO vote she can get. So no more pretending to be looking for a suitable alternative to Hillary and Trump. 4 out of 5 GOPers prefer Hillary.

  13. MSM is already throwing darts at a wallboard to see how many Republicans stay home on election day. Gotta pick a ‘reasonable’ number that they can parrot on about for weeks, until the swearing in ceremony.

  14. I always wonder about these out of nowhere candidates. Follow the money. I heard that idiot Jill on radio, yesterday. I wonder if you gave her a globe, would she be able to find Israel? Freaking amazing. I would be surprised if she isn’t a paid shill. Clinton Foundation, we are finding from the ‘personal’ emails recovered, has done much worse!

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