The New Befuddled and Confused Speaker of the House – IOTW Report

The New Befuddled and Confused Speaker of the House

15 Comments on The New Befuddled and Confused Speaker of the House

  1. We’ve got Reps that get lost mid thought, another thinks Guam will tip over, a Supreme that can’t walk or feed herself….there has got to be a test for them to keep their jobs.

    We have voters that couldn’t name the VP, or who won the Civil War, etc.

    I weep for our country….

  2. It’s not funny.
    We need to look, seriously, at Nancy.
    THAT is the face of the Demonrat Partei – that confused maundering you hear is the expostulation of their agenda. Remember the “pen and a phone” school of usurped governance that completely did away with our Constitution?

    Her Irwin Corey impersonation should fool no one – she is evil incarnate – and she is exercising her evil intentions.

    izlamo delenda est …


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