The New Bigotry from Old Civil Rights Icons- Congressman John Lewis and the failed fantasy of gun-control – IOTW Report

The New Bigotry from Old Civil Rights Icons- Congressman John Lewis and the failed fantasy of gun-control

Slow Facts: Bigotry works for politicians. After the civil war, white Democrats promoted fear of newly freed blacks.  Today, black Democrats promote fear of free blacks who will defend themselves and the people they love. Politicians always wrap themselves in the cloak of public safety. In fact, that cloak is usually the white sheet of bigotry directed against minorities and the poor.

Democrat Congressman John Lewis said we need him so we can be safe.  Lewis also said that honest gun owners are not welcome in Atlanta.  MORE


SNIP: Check out Antonia Okafor‘s site.

She’s a woman, she’s black and she’s pro-gun.
A prog’s  biggest nightmare.

6 Comments on The New Bigotry from Old Civil Rights Icons- Congressman John Lewis and the failed fantasy of gun-control

  1. Interesting thing about the Gun Community, no one pays any attention to skin color. And I’ve witnessed a couple liberal woman slowly get sucked into the gun community and now they’re conservatives.

  2. Glad to see the victims want to defend themselves, these sh!tstain politicians just want them to be victims so they can prey on them. I’m all for anyone who wants to take control of they’re life.

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