The New Dem Orchestrated Talking Point — “It’s a Sad Day For Our Country” – IOTW Report

The New Dem Orchestrated Talking Point — “It’s a Sad Day For Our Country”

I can imagine the round table –

Douche 1- “We can’t go out there and seem gleeful about impeaching. Most polls say people are not on board with us.”

Douche 2- “Agreed. Let’s all say that it’s a sad day.”

Douche 3- “I love it! It’s a twofer. We don’t come off as calculating, but it also sends a message of inevitability! Good job…. Okay, everyone, sad face. Bite the lip like Slick Willy. He was the master!”

26 Comments on The New Dem Orchestrated Talking Point — “It’s a Sad Day For Our Country”


    Love the violin playing that song they did on the Titanic as it sank!


    “Nearer My God to Thee” … They aren’t going to like what he will tell them when they see him!

  2. As a real American, the saddest day in our history was when Barack Obama was re-elected. Fooling people the first time to get elected was sad. But that they re-elected that POS resulted in a funk from which I didn’t recover until Trump.

  3. Someone wrote this morning:

    Congress impeaches/removes Trump from office.
    Pence becomes President.
    Pence appoints Trump as V.P.
    Pence resigns.
    Trump becomes President again.
    Trump appoints Pence as V.P.
    Back to square one.

    And I’ll add:

    Trump wins in a landslide in 2020.

    (Now I can’t find who wrote it! Too much going on – or I’m getting too old for this shit!)

  4. What is sad is all the Democrats, including the Democrat Media Mafia, receive the daily talking point message and then that message, no matter how untruthful it is, is broadcast uncritically on dozens of newscasts.

  5. They aren’t fooling anyone that doesn’t already want to be fooled.

    But there are enough people who want to be fooled that it makes them dangerous.

    That’s what Leftists always count on, and they frequently turn out right so be prepared for it if this is one of those times.

  6. So tired of these treasonous motherfuckers desperately trying to play the victimized – meanwhile, to hell with the business of running the country.
    Makes me ‘feel’ like we could get along just fine without Pelosi and a whole bunch like her.

  7. Can someone do a mashup or photoshop, maybe using a different image, with Chuckie Cheese Schmuckie Schumer, as the conductor to…the deplorable media??

    A wide angle shot Putting faces like Scarborough, Lemon, Maddow, Shepp, Napolitano, etc., etc. on the players in the orchestra. We could have first, second and third level positions of examples of the traitors.

    For instance? Brennan, Clapper and maybe Obama himself, would be playing first row violin…viola or cello…

    Not sure what the musical score should be? Any suggestions??

    Highway to Hell?

    Oh if you have NOT seen this Rudy vid you will now:

    HE is the investigator investigating the investigators…been going on for two years.

    A hero.


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