The New Last Refuge of a Government Scoundrel – IOTW Report

The New Last Refuge of a Government Scoundrel

We saw it done in Wisconsin during the John Doe II witch hunt andthey tried it in Baltimore to keep the police from being able to defend themselves in the Freddie Grey case. Now, in Oregon, a state official is trying to avoid criticism by placing a gag order on the bakers he has fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a gay wedding cake.

Brad Avakian, the labor commissioner for the state put the gag order on Aaron and Melissa Klein after they gave an interview to the Family Research Council thus leaving the couple with neither “freedom of religion or freedom of speech.”


 The arbitrary and self serving nature of Avakian’s ruling and gag order in the Klein case cast doubt on the original provision of Oregon law that was used.


I hope the Kleins sue the state of Oregon for $135 million for the abuse of power and the Constitution.

22 Comments on The New Last Refuge of a Government Scoundrel

  1. A “gag order” by the phucking LABOR COMMISSIONER???? Bwahhhaaa

    I’d have the best attorneys I could find sue this asshole for everything the states worth….can you say “First Amendment” Mr. Commissioner ……. or is it Mr. Commissar?

  2. Just a few minutes ago before I took a HUGE John Kerry horse piss, I prayed that God would deal with this turd accordingly. Battle prayers soldiers! >:)

  3. Oregon, get out your checkbook–you’re going to be paying out a lot more than $!135K on this civil rights violation and that’s before they tag you for pain and suffering!

  4. Where the fuck are these GAG orders coming from? There are no gag orders mentioned in the Constitution. WTF is going on here? Did we just not elect a shit load of Republican Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Mayors, etc?

    Yeah, I answered my own question. Shitload.

  5. Welcome to Oregon! What was a left-center state is now an un-restricted far left state, thanks to Bloomberg’s anti-gun money, and an influx of California leftists. Now that pot is legal, we get to brace for a new wave of south of the border (CA border, that is) pot-head, unemployed, welfare slackers.

  6. It was found that this guy was in communication with a gay rights group regarding this case all along. I bet there’s money involved. Very dirty business.

  7. Somewhat “OT” BUTT, I was scanning the (FM) radio this afternoon and something caught my ear on NPR as it went by so I backed it up to hear one of the Commie Leftist Pols from Greece, who by the way are openly advocating and agitating the Greek citizens to vote “an emphatic NO” next week to the proposal that would rescue their already collapsed economy and banking system in exchange for the Greek govt making some “austerity” cut backs to their drunken Obama vacation style spending. Knowing that if the referendum fails, the European Central banks will be forced to seize basically ALL of the Greek govt’s and banks’ assets, INCLUDING ALL CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS! To be honest, that’s what the socialist greek morons seem to want, so let them learn the hard way. BUTT>>>

    What pissed me off was this Lefty politician talking about how the govt had to obey the will of the people no matter what the outcome of the election, because if they went against the people, that would not be democracy,and things would get pretty ugly!!!

    Ya know, like say if 36 states, including Kommiefornia, voted an emphatic HELL NO to Gay Mockery and then a handful of Traitor-Wing “(in)justices said “Fuck You America!”, you’ll accept it and like it… or else!”
    and yet, here we sit… taking it up the Obama !!!

  8. Talk about it anyway. Make the typical fascist democrat enforce his order. When the police show up, read a statement that tells the police that they will personally be liable in any lawsuit if they arrest you. When they do arrest you, get their names and badge numbers. Never stop saying the same thing over and over: “This gag order is unconstitutional and my arrest is unlawful.” SAY NOTHING ELSE. Do not submit to fingerprinting. Smudge the print cards. If they restrain you, start screaming that you are in pain and the police are ignoring your pleas for medical assistance. Do not give in.

    You will be released. Remember, no liberal lawyer will defend you. However, go to the ACLU and take a camera with you. Make them turn you down. Then hold a presser about how the ACLU supports the unconstitutionality of the gag order.

    Then sue. For damages, pain, and suffering. Sue the state and sue each police officer and name them individually. In public.

    Make the ‘tards squirm.

  9. News Flash, Kommiefornia as you like to call it already voted it down. Got shoved down our throats anyway. Is that how a democracy is suppose to work? Problem is we let them get away with it,

  10. If I screwed someone for 135K
    I would be sure to buy those trick
    glasses that let you watch your back.
    If I were the screwee, they wouldn’t
    do him any good. Machevelli warned:
    “Never do an enemy a small injury”.

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