The New Leftist Technique To Undermine Trump – REPORT A LIE THAT WILL MAKE THE BASE ANGRY – IOTW Report

The New Leftist Technique To Undermine Trump – REPORT A LIE THAT WILL MAKE THE BASE ANGRY

What’s the latest lie meant  to make the right go berserk?

Trump is rejoining the Paris Agreement.

Here’s the Wall Street Journal-

Trump administration officials said Saturday the U.S. wouldn’t pull out of the Paris Agreement, offering to re-engage in the international deal to fight climate change, according to multiple officials at a global warming summit.

The U.S. position on reviewing the terms of its participation in the landmark accord came during a meeting of more than 30 ministers led by Canada, China and the European Union in Montreal.

Bloomberg is reporting that this is a lie.

ht/ annie

27 Comments on The New Leftist Technique To Undermine Trump – REPORT A LIE THAT WILL MAKE THE BASE ANGRY

  1. Writers Could Make it Easy on Themselves and Just Write anything that pop’s into Their Minds ! Write about Space Aliens Living Under Trumps Left Ear, Or the Haitian Vodoo Mamma who say’s Milania is Medusa !
    It Just Doesn’t Matter What They Write Because it All Comes out of Their Mind’s anyway , And They’ve Lied to Us Before !!!

  2. “It appears all sources for the media are “unnamed sources”

    Or “multiple officials”. How about just one “official” with a name? We’re onto your game, journos.

  3. NYT is turning into the funny papers. People will believe about anything if they read it from what was once a reputable source. They just make it up ond on they go. Creative writing.
    hussein had his fiction writer, ben rhodes, who has a MFA in creative writing (specializing in fiction) and was hussein’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting, serving as foreign policy speechwriter from 2007 until the end of hussein’s presidency.
    People are used to it. They are gullible, have short attention spans and memories and they expect it. Gee, I wonder where the Benghazi/video tale came from?

  4. “Trump administration officials said…”
    Lemme guess…Obama holdovers, right?

    THIS is why you drain YOUR OWN D*MNED SWAMP
    before taking on bigger ones.

    But, yes, the Right falls for the Tokyo Rose “Divide and Conquer” far too often….

  5. I called it “Operation Dispirit Trump Voters.”

    Russia fell apart. The impeachment talk isn’t working. So this is the new strategy to undermine the President. Sadly, many Trump supporters are falling for it.

  6. It’s so predictable and it’s almost sport to predict who’s gonna fall for every story that comes down the pike. But before they figure out they’ve been played, those same people have already caused a lot of damage just by voicing their Chicken Little concerns and jumping right in to trash Trump. It’s almost as if they are still looking for the evidence that Someone Else should have been elected. It would be funny except that instead of buoying each other up, they are doing the Left’s dirty work and they’re too dumb to make the connection.

  7. I’m to the point where, if there’s any way politics is involved, I could believe almost anything I read in the news. And yet I believe almost nothing I read in the news.

  8. Isn’t this strategy going to bite the lefties in the ass in the end?
    Lefties report Trump agreed not to build the Wall – Trump now more determined to build the Wall.
    Lefties report Trump changed mind about pulling out of Climate Accord – Trump pulls US out faster.
    It’s like they want to sabotage themselves.

  9. TO AA
    If you want to see people falling for it and “voicing their Chicken Little concerns and jumping right in to trash Trump”, go to Breitbart and read the comments on alot of the threads. It’s the stuff you expect from RedState, Right Scoop, etc..

    What a pity! I hope they wake up.

  10. RE: Roy Moore/ Strange- I don’t know. Maybe because Trump thought he could throw a bone to the Rino’s and they’d help him out? Maybe because he thought Strange was going to win? Or maybe he thought the Rinos and the NT wouldn’t back Strange because he endorsed him? LOL. No idea. Someone should ask him that after Moore wins the election. Which I hope he does.

  11. Moore will win BIG!
    Trumps tweets raise the flag for me. “Big Border Security”
    No mention of wall. I hope he doesn’t pull the old virtual security line
    Republicans and Dems have been using for years..
    That’s like I want to pay virtual income taxes. Hope you all are right about Trump. I hope he is a man of his words.

  12. CoD — “It’s almost as if they are still looking for the evidence that Someone Else should have been elected.”

    I think this will help clear up the situation at Breitbart.

    I’d be less cryptic except I really don’t want to start something. But I think that unless you understood Trump, “got” Trump, from the beginning, it is almost impossible to understand him now. It’s a lot harder — maybe impossible — to cut him any slack or have a high degree of trust in his decision-making process or in the eventual outcome. The same issues that created the rift between Trump supporters and the Someone Else people from the beginning have never really gone away. Sure, from time to time they celebrate the wins, but are too quick to rescind their approval as soon as Trump says or does something that isn’t truly Conservative. I’m a stick and stay, through thick and thin, supporter and yet I, too, am sometimes disappointed that not everything the President does swings my way. But toting up the columns, I couldn’t be more pleased with this President. I don’t understand the disloyalty to Trump — not because he is Trump but because the same people acknowledge that we are in a real war against the Left and yet they find it wholly acceptable to tear the leader of our war down in plain sight of the enemy. Maybe because on this issue I do see it in black and white and my military background inculcated a real disgust for those who give the enemy any toehold.

    Individual opinions are sacrosanct for civilians but soldiers in the army against the Left have no right to publicly and prematurely air theirs if it cuts his fellow soldiers off, psychologically, at the knees. They are wasting their ammunition on the wrong person/people.

  13. Czar,
    That last fake news cycle really brought out the #NeverTrumpers. They still hate him. A lot of Cruzbots. The’re like a dormant virus. They only post when they think they can say “Told ya so”. Trump is not losing his base. The weak minded just seem to come out of the wood work, and those that were on the fence are pushed off easily. Like a few here.

  14. What I detest are the people who are the first to jump on the Trump trash are the first to tsk tsk tsk those who joined them. You’d think they had selective amnesia or something.

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