The New Wave of Democrats Think White People Are Racists – IOTW Report

The New Wave of Democrats Think White People Are Racists

When are dumbbell democrat voters gonna wise up to what their party has become?

It’s being overtaken by college student candidates who have been taught by their pony-tailed professors that white people are the bane of society.

Why would you put someone who thinks you’re the problem into power?

Democrat Candidate In Pittsburgh Says Blue Collar Workers are Racists.


11 Comments on The New Wave of Democrats Think White People Are Racists

  1. They’ll never wise up or see how absurd they have become. A raving liberal that works check-out in the 15 or less line at the local grocery store in my small TX town posted a picture of the early voting line last Monday with the caption ‘what is wrong with this photo, all these people are middle aged white people, no diversity’. He is a middle aged white guy – what does he expect, he too was in line! And I’m sure it didn’t occur to him he was waiting in line to vote for a white guy that is trying to fool people into thinking he is a Hispanic to beat a real Hispanic. Misplaced virtue signaling outrage – so stupid. And in the process of making his non-existent point he just violated the privacy of everyone he captured.

  2. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but if I were different I could have an enormously good time accusing obvious lefties of all kinds of things they like to pin on me. For example, there was a pissant young man I had to go to this morning to have my parking validated. He officiously held forth about how it wasn’t “technically a validation, but merely a discount.” What is it about pasty, sunken-chested dweebs?

    I should have accused him of mansplaining.

  3. The problem is the schools. Everyone goes to college. Everyone gets brainwashed with the same brand of white privilege, hate America and Western Civ curriculum.

    They are taught that a time will come when whites will be a permanent minority and that they will get what they deserve for all of the oppression they benefit from.

    This is the plan so everything is going according to the plan. Just like my Gramsci loving, adjunct Sociology teacher prophesied.

    At some point, you will need to lie down and die for the sins of your forefathers. You should welcome your comeuppance like any Heavens Gate cult member.

  4. nothing impresses me more than seeing the complete and utter failure of our public school system when they produce a steady stream of dolts like this kid.

    soylent green fodder.

  5. Had you “taken out your wallett and PAID ATTENTION in ’60” this would not be news!
    It is why JFK mandated “quotas”!
    News only to those “Asleep at the Wheel”(not the group!).

  6. So? You don’t like a white male society? You think it’s racist? And you’re still here? Alive? You haven’t done society a favor and committed suicide yet? Why? Or, why not?

    So, what you’re telling me is that you’re a Special Snowflake SJW Libtard hypocrite.


  7. America will rapidly become a ultra
    3rd world $hit hole when the conservative,
    white Christian men & women are exterminated.
    All part of the NWO plan…


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