The New York Times tracked Trump’s movements with leaked location data – IOTW Report

The New York Times tracked Trump’s movements with leaked location data


  • The New York Times was able to track the movements of President Donald Trump using cellphone data.
  • The Times said it used leaked phone data to track the movements of someone in his entourage, believed to be a Secret Service agent, as well as found the agent’s name and home address.
  • The Times said it replicated the exercise and identified workers at numerous sensitive sites in Washington, DC, including the Pentagon, the Supreme Court, and Capitol Hill.
  • The ease with which non-experts at The Times could do this shows the extreme vulnerability in location data. Hostile states are almost certainly able to do far more.

Insecure security practices have been a hallmark of the Trump administration. The president’s phone conversations have previously put national security at risk, and he did not use a secure phone to tweet until months into his presidency. Mar-a-Lago is also said to have lax security.

However, The Times painted a picture of a problem that is not due to Trump’s actions but is instead a nationwide (and indeed international) problem born of poor regulation, low public awareness, and unscrupulous private companies.

The result, The Times said, is that tracking and identifying people is easy — and that there is no regulation to stop the exchange of such data between different parties and companies for profit.


No word from the Times on Hillary’s criminal security practices.

ht/ dee

17 Comments on The New York Times tracked Trump’s movements with leaked location data

  1. So basically, NYT is saying that Schiff just found Nunes’, Giuliani’s and Solomon’s phone data just laying around somewhere, and Trump shouldn’t just leave it like that.

    Must be more embarrassing and illegal Schiff stuff about to hit the fan.

  2. “No word from the Times on Hillary’s criminal security practices.”

    Or on the Obama Office of Personnel Management data breach which yielded 21 million stolen govt employee records for China. And probably Hillary.

    But you go on and play your phone games, NYT. Hope you have enough whoreporters sleeping around for leaks.

  3. Barr is too low-key. In waiting so long to prosecute anything, he is diluting the result, he is facilitating new crimes by giving criminals the belief they will get the usual free leftist pass from the swamp.

    Barr: you are blowing it.

  4. The reason I only get phones with removable batteries. May want to disappear someday. Getting hard to find phones with removable batteries. Really narrows your selection.

  5. Being able to track Trump’s movements through anyone’s cell phone data is a serious security breach that needs to be addressed immediately.

    This is the sort of thing that gives assassins and saboteurs the edge they need.

  6. The Secret Service needs to find the agent who’s phone was hacked and rake him over the coals, this is not good, a major breach like this is what we all worry about, he will not kill P.Trump but his partners will with the information gleaned from his phone.
    Now If this has hit Yahoo news I would bet that this has been taken care of by the Secret Service. We never hear about any of these things until after the fact.
    And the NY. Times need to be shut down for leaking.

  7. Geoff C. The Saltine

    It would appear the Army of Northern Virginia jsoc has taken over the responsibility for protecting DJT. And those guys are capable of calling an airstrike on the New York Times

  8. so, we’re to believe that SS Agent don’t have encrypted phones, constantly call, on their un-secured phones to wives, lovers, work & friends when they’re travelling w/ the POTUS?

    I’d venture to guess: not unless he/she’s tipped someone off somehow … & that, boys & girls, is treason

    remember: PDT snuck out of the country on Thanksgiving, w/ his wife & flew to Afghanistan w/out anyone in the press knowing a damn thing about it … yeah, they’re tracking him … at least 90% of this story is more bullshit from the NYT to somehow embarrass PDT

  9. Electronic gadgets are big brother that many people voluntarily carry. In the past year or two there have been news reports of soldiers’ positions in war zones being tracked by their fitbits or apple watches, and easily hacked. An internet search finds several stories about cheating spouses or boy / girl friends discovered to be cheating because of the data recorded by their gadgets.


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