The Newest Left – Being Morally Right Trumps Pesky Facts – IOTW Report

The Newest Left – Being Morally Right Trumps Pesky Facts

Listen to this dunce.

Interpretation of what she’s saying-

“My math might not add up, and my plans infeasible, but my heart is in the right place and that’s all that matters.”


21 Comments on The Newest Left – Being Morally Right Trumps Pesky Facts

  1. I don’t know about new, it’s just ‘Fake but accurate’ rebranded.
    But the crucial point is, and has been, that they don’t need to even consider your point of view because of the absolute correctness of their views. And they can call you Hitler, because they ‘know’ that you are.
    How do you combat this? You don’t bother arguing with them, but recognize that the crucial ones are the swing voters – those are the people who need to understand the extremeness of the Leftist viewpoint.

  2. “I make a mistake and double down on my stupidity, but I’m never going to be evil like bad orange man, even if he is right and I’m wrong.”

    Right. If I remember the gist of her stupid plan it was to make America completely green and off fossil fuels in 10 years. THAT plan is evil and morally wrong. Everyone in America and the rest of the world will be worse off, starving for basic needs like food. Her ridiculously stupid plan is the most evil plan any politician can come up with, worse than anything Hitler/Stalin/Mao combined did, shall it come to fruition.

  3. “My math might not add up and my plans infeasable, but my heart is in the right place.” Said no engineer or doctor ever. When your IQ is lower than your age its time to STFU!

  4. How many dicks did this ditz suck to get a BA in economics? Clearly she knows jack shit about economics. That explains why she had to work at a bar even after getting what is normally a STEM degree. But she took the least technical path possible to that degree and got a barely acceptable GPA the entire time. So, of course, she went into politics.

  5. @Left Coast Dan January 7, 2019 at 12:41 pm

    > You don’t bother arguing with them, but recognize that the crucial ones are the swing voters – those are the people who need to understand the extremeness of the Leftist viewpoint.

    A agree about swinging voters being crucial. And, while extreme, I can’t imagine being confused for a Leftist. But, I think it was @Uncle Al who explained, the beauty of the English language is that one word can mean so many things.

  6. Why is this ignorant mouth breather given any air time at all? Why aren’t the big hitter dems keeping her on a short leash? Come another election cycle playing her mindless dribble is going to kill them.

  7. This is that Boston U. learning.

    Likewise, a degree from Boston doesn’t mean you actually know anything at all.

    Hire or don’t accordingly.

    She got her BS in SJW.

  8. Good thing she went into politics where accuracy and precision are positive detriments to success. Remember Bill Clinton wondered about the meaning of “is”.

    Thank goodness she didn’t try engineering, or accounting.


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