The “Next George Soros” Subverting Congressional Republicans with Cash – IOTW Report

The “Next George Soros” Subverting Congressional Republicans with Cash

Daily Signal

A company run by a liberal billionaire dubbed by some as the “next George Soros” employs former senior Republican staffers on Capitol Hill in what a watchdog group warns is an effort to sway GOP lawmakers to move to the left. 

Arnold Ventures LLC is a private company founded by left-leaning philanthropists John Arnold and his wife Laura, who have a net worth of $3.3 billion, according to Forbes. 

Arnold Ventures says it focuses on issues such as criminal justice reform, prescription drug prices, contraception, and tax policy geared at “minimizing injustice.” More

h/t Legal Insurrection

9 Comments on The “Next George Soros” Subverting Congressional Republicans with Cash

  1. And a verdict has been reached.
    Banned from doing business in the state of New York for 3 years. 2 of his sons (Eric & Jr) for 2 years each. 2 former business executives of his banned for life. Fined, $355 million dollars, the 2 sons, 4 million each. This past year so far $443 million in fines & judgments.

  2. Plutocrats Walker-Bush /clan WERE NOT SWAYED BY $! They were rich over 150 years ago. And leaders of THE UNIPARTY leftist vanguard. Walker at least had the decency to admit his party; unlike the degenerate Bush’s!

    Rockefeller and Kennedy Clans have been both rich and left for over 100 years!

    Money is usually not the mover. In the cases of : Benedict”Eye Patch”, M. mcConnell, K. Buck it MAY be why they are so far left.
    But historically, and right now, the men running the UNIPARTY were born “with a silver spoon in their mouths!”


    Auto “correct” made 5 correct words INCORRECT! Needlessly had to retype.
    Annoyed may be a better word.


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