The No Flush Bandit Snared – IOTW Report

The No Flush Bandit Snared

A guy burglarized a house and stopped for a bathroom break, and didn’t flush.

A turd burglar, of sorts?

It doesn’t say whether it was a 1 or a 2, but he’s going to do 2 to 3.

Whatever was in the bowl allowed investigators to match the DNA to Andrew David Jensen.

ht/ fdr in hell

19 Comments on The No Flush Bandit Snared

  1. Holy FLUSH!

    Did they also find evidence of illicit drug use, diabetes, high triglycerides, and glioblastoma? If not, they got the RIGHT guy!

    (Emily Post says “Always flush and remember to leave the damned seat DOWN, sh*thead!”)

  2. hey, did he intend to burglarize this house or did he do it inadvertently when he had to go to the bathroom ?

    intent carries a lot of weight with the fbi according to comey and the msm.

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