The Nose Knows – IOTW Report

The Nose Knows

If I see one of these, I’m going to laugh so hard people will come running to see what the commotion is about. And I will point and laugh even harder.

22 Comments on The Nose Knows

  1. Hey! Money-making opportunity, and the money’d come from morons which would make it sweet!

    Print up some of those with the noses of famous people: W.C. Fields, Jimmy Durante, Charles De Gaulle, Barbra Streisand (before), Dr. Ruth, Karl Malden, etc.

    Time’s a-wasting! There’s a fortune to be made!

  2. gee, wally March 25, 2021 at 7:26 pm

    Elton John would love this mask.

    He’s great on the piano.
    Sucks on the organ.

    I had to laugh at your remark. It reminded me of the Sundays in church and the minister would walk to the podium and say “And we have Ruth on the organ.” Always got a chuckle from me. 🙂

  3. Needs mouse ears to complete the costume.

    The ear hangers already look like whiskers.

    It’s all just a big lab rat experiment to see how far people will go before they wake up. Might as well make the dupes look like it while they’re at it.

    They are laughing their rat’s asses off, but to keep the boredom at bay they need to spice it up.

  4. Way to tell the world you have ZERO understanding of science.
    Masks already are proven to be worthless, provide ZERO protection.
    Now you wear another one below them, to protect your nose, while your mouth is open.
    These people are the reason we have so much stupidity in the world today.

  5. Hey, gringos! You theenk dees is stupeed? Leeving your border wide open is stupeed! Not even WE do THAT! Now where are your daughters, breeng dem to me NOW! ARRIBA!

    *fires pistolas in the air inside a 4 star hotel room that you’re paying for*

  6. Makes food taste flat. Smell is half the eating sensation. Unintended Consequences abound.


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