The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime – IOTW Report

The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime

Kurt Schlichter/Town Hall: If you’re cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens, this November you should vote Democrat. They’re certainly cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens. Oh, in theory they would probably prefer that the foreigners sneaking into our country in defiance of the laws we American citizens made through our elected representatives would stop butchering Americans. They don’t particularly want your kids to be butchered. They just want uncontrolled illegal immigration more than your kids’ safety. So, they’ve made a choice to be the party of illegal immigration. And the resulting body count is a price Democrats are willing to pay to replace an electorate of Normal Americans who refuse to obey.

The Democrats are the party of No Borders, of Abolish ICE, and of murdered Americans. You cannot howl and shriek in support of X yet deny that you accept the foreseeable, demonstrated consequences of X.

Now we know Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by an illegal alien. Add her name to the butcher’s bill. And who was shocked? Who said, “Gosh, that’s surprising!” Who said, “Whoa, I don’t believe it!”

No one. Because it happens all the time. Her life, like the lives of so many others, was snuffed out because our elite made a conscious choice to risk our lives to satisfy its own interests. She was just more collateral damage. We better decide in November where we stand, because a Democrat majority means this bloodbath continues.

Your daughter, shot dead in front of you on a wharf. Your son, knifed by gang members. Your daughter, murdered and dumped in an Iowa cornfield. That’s what you get if you elect Democrats, because that’s what their open borders policies enable.

But our elite can live with that.  MORE

6 Comments on The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime

  1. “But our elite can live with that”
    Wrong! They won’t live with it, and that’s the problem. When I see elites living among the illegals, then will I give credence to their open borders open arms rhetoric. Until then, STFU.

  2. Great article. I’ve forwarded it to a dozen people. Everyone who thinks that this next Congressional Election is about a couple of women blackmailers getting paid to STFU should read what is really at stake in this upcoming election.

  3. Vote like your future depends on it. Because it does.”

    PLEASE TAKE NOTE: all who think Trump, Sessions & Co. are “not doing enough”.

    p.s. I suffered YEARS reading these “doomsday” websites how our “votes don’t matter”…DOES ANYONE REALLY THINK THAT, ANYMORE?!?

  4. During four hour drive home today I heard a woman on the radio, M. Levin I think, say illegals cause 20 deaths per day (7,000/yr) in the USA. She didn’t say if those deaths were US citizens or a mix of citizens & other illegals. I couldn’t find that verified on a web site, but the following site list 13 auto deaths per day among the list of other crimes. .

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