“The Nudist Values His Privacy” -odd story – IOTW Report

“The Nudist Values His Privacy” -odd story

Of course, this was sent in by two tipsters – Cynic and JD Hasty.

I’m not sure I can synopsize it.


14 Comments on “The Nudist Values His Privacy” -odd story

  1. I hereby make a motion to expel California from the Union. Their transgressions against the country are so egregious that we require a total separation from these people once and for ever.

    I wonder why their tourism is down?

  2. Video of a stupid fight among pervs. Typical creepy imagery seen on TikTok.
    An example of Sodom and Gomorrah with mobile phones, EVs, and tap-to-pay credit cards, etc. All the modern conveniences with plenty of deviancy.

  3. It’s gotta be hard to find a good Samaritan in SF –

    A good Samaritan, no.
    A Gay Samaritan, yes.
    The Gay Samaritan will find a bar and help push yer stool in for you!


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