The Numbering of US Interstate Highways – IOTW Report

The Numbering of US Interstate Highways

In all my travels in the US, I never noticed this! It’s a good thing to know!

17 Comments on The Numbering of US Interstate Highways

  1. The Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), also known as Highway 101 on its north end and Highway 1 to the south… Or you can call it SR1.

    But you can’t call it anything much if there’s a landslide,a mudslide, or a fire.

  2. The shortest interstate I’ve been on is a connector between, roughly Pleasanton, CA and whichever one is on the East Bay side. Maybe 10 miles in length. Then there is Interstate 19 which like an illegal immigrant returning to his birthplace, cuts off Interstate 10 northwest of Tucson and heads south to Nagales (Arizona and Sonora (??)) sister cities, or maybe quarrelling sister cities for all I know.

  3. MJA, that’s easy, I5 in Tacoma. I’ve lived in Western Washington for 40 years and there is a 15 mile stretch of I5 that has been under construction that entire time. And it’s still going on.


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