A writer living in China corrects the NY Times’ big lie, an audacious claim that she says is actually the complete opposite of reality.
In a NY Times video they show long lines of people, hundreds deep, hoping to get in to see a doctor. They fail to mention that all of the lines are at centrally planned state hospitals.
There are no lines at the private hospitals. Capitalism has saved lives.
Public hospital doctors actually tell patients not to take Chinese drugs because they are ineffectual. They recommend trying to get their hands on western drugs- you know, the kind spawned by that evil capitalism.
You can read about it HERE.
That’s a jaw dropper. What the hell is wrong with these people? If they’re that found of the socialist Utopia, move to one. Buy more ammo.
Does that mean that being prescribed ground Rhino horn won’t cure flat feet?
The Slimes has a long standing affection for the Hammer and Sickle….way back when Walter Duranty lauded the leadership of Stalin the Butcher, so this is nothing but its latest installment to curse the system that feeds it.
There seem to be shenanigans going on with replies
Posted earlier. It didn’t appear. Tried to post same again, and was told I had already posted that. But no appearance. I know disqus won’t let you type ‘soros’, but is something going on here? The last time this happened, it was for a link to an Infowars article, but I didn’t say anything then.
Just curious.
They literally lie, all the time. They literally say the opposite, all the time. And should anyone try to have a discussion they are immediately labeled as hate-filled, because they have no chance of survival when there is sunlight shining on their rhetoric.
“…an audacious claim that she says is actually the complete opposite of reality.”
…congratulations, you’ve defined the Democrat’s ENTIRE strategy for EVERYTHING in a single sentence…
…in fairness to the NYT, not that I don’t think they are CAPABLE of big, huge, Left-serving lies, but in all probability they were likely just to lazy to even research the picture in the FIRST place…
If State Control advocates at the New York Times really believed their own blather they’d embrace government control of the media. Too bad all those commies at the Times don’t get their way and lose their jobs.
Without fake news, the Slimes would be thirty sheets of blank paper.
Wrong! the NYT has been a KGB tool, if not a part of, for 100 years.
Reread ANONY – 6 comments above. He is right!
NOt a questin of lazy or sloppy! They have hated Americans for a century!