The NY Times Reporter Who Called Melania a Hooker Was Carl Bernstein’s Son – IOTW Report

The NY Times Reporter Who Called Melania a Hooker Was Carl Bernstein’s Son

The New York Times reporter who called Melania Trump a “hooker” at a private event on Sunday has apologized, saying he wants to “take ownership of a mistake” he made. Jacob Bernstein, the son of Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein and the late writer-director Nora Ephron, came forward on Tuesday to identify himself as the journalist who repeated what he called “unfounded rumors” about the first lady in a conversation with model-actress Emily Ratajkowski. “Speaking at a party in what I thought was a personal conversation, I nevertheless made a stupid remark about the first lady,” he wrote in a series of. »

Looks like he has to pay for sex.

23 Comments on The NY Times Reporter Who Called Melania a Hooker Was Carl Bernstein’s Son

  1. The only time these assholes apologize is when they get caught and it looks like there’s going to be fallout from their actions. The First Lady ought to politely but firmly reject his half assed apology. In any event, at least everyone knows who the NYT reporter is now and that can’t be good for this hacks career even at the NYT.

  2. this was a typical fail from a guy that had no plans for that evening, valentines evening or any evening in the future and perhaps the rest of his miserable existence, and tried to bait one girls mis-perceived ego against anothers, just to try and get a date with the baited one. Hey Jacob, how’d that work out for you douche-boi?
    i’ve seen this so many times and it always fails. jacob, your timing and delivery are all off, give it up and stay with your hands. hahahaha!

  3. He had to be counseled by his bosses at the NYT that defaming the First Lady (or any lady) is unacceptable.

    Any barnyard manure gets to call itself a journalist these days. The smellier the stench, the bigger the title.

  4. Out of 100 million sperm, the one that created this creature was the fastest swimmer? That’s some piss poor DNA right there. His father should have nutted into a Kleenex and flushed this kid down the toilet.

  5. Out of 100 million sperm, the one that created this creature was the fastest swimmer? That’s some piss poor DNA right there. His father should have nutted into a Kleenex and flushed this kid down the toilet.

  6. A better question to ask, isn’t why are YouTube comedians like PewDiePie, making silly jokes, the better question is, why are all the NY, LA, DC Jews allowed to endlessly shit on the goyim? Could that POSSIBLY be the “why” for the edgy jokes & memes?
    Nah, forget it, it’s just crazy talk, on my part, I’m sure.

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