The Obamas Have Been Scamming Academia For Generations – IOTW Report

The Obamas Have Been Scamming Academia For Generations

Going from Barack Obama’s father to the former president, first lady, down to their daughter,
Jack Cashill reviews all the many ways the Obama clan has successfully played the diversity card and their political connections to gain admittance to the Ivy Leagues. Here

10 Comments on The Obamas Have Been Scamming Academia For Generations

  1. Don’t forget his employment as add-junk professor of Constitutional law at the U of Chicago. Where he mostly hung around outside and smoked. What a SCOAMF. THIS WEB SUCK.

  2. The Obamboozler wuz funded by Prince Al-Waleed and Dr Khalid and associated with the likes Screwy Looey Farrakhan, God-Damn-America-hating Jeramiah Wright and the Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers! While not widely publicized all this was well known in 2007. How any American or person with Jewish heritage ever voted for this fraud is beyond my comprehension!

  3. The Obama’s are just one example of the deep corruption in academia. It’s also why every news and commentary program is infested with smug and falsely credentialed black radicals lecturing the public about the ills of the system. They were carefully groomed and just bright enough to be useful spokespeople to condemn society.
    Unfortunately they’ve proved to be an effective tool in masking the truth and shifting opinion by infecting most of the youth.


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