The Obama’s Lie About The White House Being “Built By Slaves” – IOTW Report

The Obama’s Lie About The White House Being “Built By Slaves”

The job that was entrusted to slaves was to paint it.

Do the Obama’s really think that all the intricate details, finials, moldings and staircases were accomplished by slaves?


I wake up every day in a house that was built by slaves. And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent Black young women, playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.”

There’s just one big problem with her statement, which has also been echoed by her husband: it’snot entirely true. But don’t expect the media to tell you why.

First, the White House was not built solely — or even primarily — by slaves.

Most of the labor force consisted of local White laborers and artisans (from Maryland and Virginia) and a number of immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations.

As the project neared completion — the lime-based whitewashing that gives the building its iconic appearance…slaves were indeed added to the mix.

But once again, facts get in the way of the Obama’s preachy race-baiting.

That’s because the U.S. government actually paid the slaves who worked on the White House.


25 Comments on The Obama’s Lie About The White House Being “Built By Slaves”

  1. White laborers, skilled craftsmen and immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations built
    the White House.
    OH, You mean the muslims that came over on Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, who were the very fabric of this nation didn’t build the whithouse, either?

    What’s disgusting is that Michelle knew the truth but the lie was pushed to hoodwink ignorant blacks who will take it as truth. Yep, you gotta Keep them niggras on the democrat plantation Michelle.

    Well no wonder we are a Christian Nation.
    I still wonder what the muslims did? Was it the African slave trade, capturing, raping and then selling white Europeans or the piracy of US Ships, sailors and goods. I’m sure all were beneficial to a fledgling Nation.

  2. What is this ignorant twat flapping her blue gums about. If the White House was built by slaves, it would be made from twigs, mud, and dung.

    Bitch should be more worried about every day putting on a wig made from hair grown by a yak. That, and the fact that those two crotch droppings of hers are so ugly, she has to tie pork chops around their necks before the dogs will play with them on the lawn of the White House.

  3. Pork chops? Maybe, but then that would just piss Barry Sotero off.

    Michael isn’t the brightest individual, but he likes his dick sucked now and then. Besides, they’re just fcuking dogs, like it’s not Dog Tuesday for dinner every fcuking week? Geeez!

  4. It was built back during a time when an islamic terrorist or a BLM cop-killer would have been executed on the spot. They would have no Barry Hussein 0bamas wreaking havoc on the nation either.

    It’s really too bad that 0bama wasn’t there, pimping his unconstitutional 0bamacare slavery program. We would not have to deal with the bastard today. Our Founding Fathers were no cowards when it came to dealing with dangerous threats.

    Here is a land survey done by George Washington. He was also a cartographer and drew over a hundred maps or plats.

    Slaves were somewhat lacking in trigonometry, for some odd reason. I seriously doubt any of them would be qualified to work on his survey crew.

    And I would wager that any blacks who were lucky enough to get a painting job at the white house were probably very grateful for the opportunity to make some money.

    P.S. fuck 0bama. And goodnight, unless another night owl shows up soon. Lonesome me.

  5. You mean the slaves that were housed, fed, given tobacco and booze and allowed to party and become Christians all while having about 25 years added to their life expectancy versus their sick or dead cousins enslaved in Africa? Those slaves? The lucky ones who got to live and work in the nation that was among the first to emancipate them? Good clothes, good food, organic tobacco and the chance to help build the world’s greatest nation. What’s the problem? Should they have not had to work at all because they’re black? What about all the whites working?

  6. Their ancestors came to this country in chains.
    Now they have preferential treatment on all levels of society for wrongs they never endured, and perceived systemic racism.
    Now they have their own Television network, political caucus, are the highest paid sports figures, and regularly shake down major corporations for millions and are lauded for it.
    Yeah, they are put upon on so many levels.

  7. Give her a banana, throw her back in her gilded cage and while she’s picking ticks off the hairy backs of her ugly spawn, tell the ignorant bitch to STFU.

  8. And now, we are the government’s slaves. Every day I wake up in a country built by white slaves and I am told to keep off the grass, watch my words, do not correctly identify gender, don’t provide for my family’s protection, or exercise religious belief in public or decide whether I want to keep my Doctor, etc, etc, etc!

  9. Does anyone expect the truth from a disbarred lawyer or her disbarred lawyer husband?

    When I hear any of the lying, cheating, grifters currently occupying government positions, all I hear is, “Blah, blah, blah, I’m lying!”

    The idiots cheering at the VERY RICH DNC speakers shouting about the inequalities of the ‘rich’, is like watching a donkey chase its own tail, and hearing the crowd cheer it on. Amazing. HEE haw, HEE, haw.

  10. There are Black people all around the world living in almost every country. Why is it America has the most ni–ers? Also, if the Black people in America are so persecuted, why is it that I can’t type the word ni–ers in America without fear of facing job loss, physical attack, and scorn?

    This whole “persecuted” bullfazoo surely feels reversed now-a-days. Every part of every system is now stacked in favor of the chosen “special identity” groups. So, who are these slaves I’m told about?

    Last night the democrats highlited their love of the “special” Americans and even included non-American illegal invaders. Each “special group” had a representative that stood up at the podium and yapped about “special identity” equality while side lining the smallest minority, the individual … shaking head mumbling curse words under breath

  11. @BFH “Can’t we just agree that the slaves didn’t build the white house without all the racist stuff?”
    With white people being steamrolled in this country 24/7 you expect us to be pc? obama started it!!!!!!!!
    We should be using the same tactics as the left times ten, because we don’t have the media propaganda machine, hollywood, or the schools on our side.

  12. And what are our black allies and fellow black conservatives supposed to say when you imply that blacks are apes? And would you say that to their faces, one on one in a room, alone?

    Common sense and common respect keeps people from saying blacks are apes, not any political decree.
    We want to reclaim the media, Hollywood and the schools in order to teach kids blacks are apes? That’s not my goal.


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