The Obstruction of Justice Was When the Obama DOJ Ordered the FBI To Not Indict Clinton – IOTW Report

The Obstruction of Justice Was When the Obama DOJ Ordered the FBI To Not Indict Clinton

This exchange of comments on The Daily Wire is succinct and accurate. Mueller is looking for obstruction of justice? It’s right in front of his DIRTY COP face.

Lisa Page explained it.

The “insurance policy” Peter Strzok texted about was the phony “Russian Collusion” investigation that would oust Trump if he won the election.

Prior to the election the Obama DOJ instructed the FBI to not charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence.

There’s your collusion.

We have both “collusion” and “obstruction of justice” charges that can be leveled at Trump adversaries, yet, Trump is still in the crosshairs of these corrupt and dirty politicians and law enforcement agencies.

Patriots, when does the revolution begin? We are living, right now, in a time that sounds like something we would read in history books about a Banana republic.

16 Comments on The Obstruction of Justice Was When the Obama DOJ Ordered the FBI To Not Indict Clinton

  1. Nonono…just as what Hillary did was not Gross” Negligence” but instead, “Extreme Carelessness”, what the Obama DOJ did was not “Obstruction of Justice” but instead “Hindrance of Legal Matters”, which is not a crime. Look it up.

    No, don’t look it up. I just made it up.

    And don’t even think about trying it, Deep State.

  2. “The more they spoke of honor, the more we counted our spoons.”

    The most insulting part was the noble valor/higher calling/binding duty all these FBI ‘public servants’ shoveled onto top of themselves.

  3. Can taxpayers file a class action lawsuit against all these POS for treason? After all, it’s OUR money they are stealing and wasting, when they are supposed to be working for us – not for their own power and riches (stealing us blind while selling us down the river).


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