The Ohrs Will Be First Against the Wall – IOTW Report

The Ohrs Will Be First Against the Wall

Gateway Pundit-

Bruce Ohr, the Department of Justice official who brought opposition research on President Donald Trump to the FBI, did not disclose that Fusion GPS, which performed that research at the Democratic National Committee’s behest, was paying his wife, and did not obtain a conflict of interest waiver from his superiors at the Justice Department, documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The omission may explain why Ohr was demoted from his post as associate deputy attorney general after the relationship between Fusion GPS and his wife emerged and Fusion founder Glenn Simpson acknowledged meeting with Ohr. Willfully falsifying government ethics forms can carry a penalty of jail time, if convicted.



18 Comments on The Ohrs Will Be First Against the Wall

  1. I pray that all these people who have apparently decided to cooperate don’t get the “James Comey Get Out of Jail Free” treatment that was given to EVERY, SINGLE witness to that laughable thing called Killery’s email/server investigation!! It should be like what I said to my child when she once asked me what she would get at the store if she behaved herself. My reply: “How about I don’t give you a spankin’.”

  2. IF tried! It’s looking like the SOS in justice for these leftist bastards.

    It seems a fly speck of suspicion, with even less real evidence, suffices to persecute/prosecute any deplorable, but there must be evidence stacked from here to Pluto, to even bring charges against an aristocratic leftist.

    I’m really feeling sucker punched about now, with Trump’s budget, the outrageous ‘infrastructure proposal, the lack of alarm or purging of the various departments corrupted by obama, HRC still cackling away freely, the funding of Planned Parenthood, the funding of Obamacare losses to insurance companies, the damn Republican Party capitulating it’s majorities, (I feel Schumer and Pelosi are in full charge, despite being the leaders of outrageous clowns), the quiet winning of democRAT special elections, the thugs and antifa, and PC crap still not being brought to justice, the threateners of the president’s life not brought to justice, and so much more.

    Is it my fears that the ‘other shoe’ is falling and about to hit the floor? Or is my progressive spidey sense pinging loudly?

  3. Mighty Mojo — Although it certainly feels at times that they have Trump (and us) surrounded, I’m here to tell you it’s a complete rope-a-dope, intended to lull the Left into continuing to believe they are still in charge of the Deep, Adminstrative State. It’s always going to feel like things have disintegrated because — in the very literal sense of that word — they have to disintegrate in order for the cancerous chaff to be expelled and the just and constitutional parts can be put back where they should be.

    POTUS Trump (and we) sometimes feel surrounded, and it can be demoralizing when taken in toto, but what you are not currently discerning is this:

    “All right, they’re on our left, they’re on our right, they’re in front of us, they’re behind us…they can’t get away this time”
    – Lewis B. Chesty Puller, USMC

  4. @AbagailAdams

    Thank you for the reassurance. I know President Trump baits the hook, and reels them in, but there are a lot of lines, and it gave me that GOP Betrayal feeling. Conditioning, I think.

    And I felt a lot better after reading ‘Someone’s Doing The DOJ and FBI Interrogations and It’s Not Congress’.

    I hope you are feeling better and getting stronger. You and this site bring sanity to life. Thank you.

  5. Mighty Mojo — I’m glad it helps! Two things to try to keep in mind:

    Jeremiah 29:11-14 11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”

    Proverbs 16:9 9In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

    This is a praying, believing administration we’ve got in D.C. They study the Bible together, they consult with God every day, for every course of action. The Bible also tells us that when God sets us on a plan He clears our path and gives us the tools to accomplish His plan. This is one reason we do not sense a tone of underhandedness or deceit from POTUS Trump and his most trusted advisors. Their faith gives them the courage and the reminder to play it straight, even though we sometimes think POTUS is playing an elaborate game, it is based on a bedrock of doing the right thing even when it is tempting to do otherwise and no one would notice.

    The second thing: The Left sincerely cannot wrap their heads around the idea of someone playing it straight…and winning at it.

    Thank you for your kind words of support and encouragement. I have no doubt whatsoever that the prayers of our friends here at IOTWReport are sustaining me. Happy Ash Wednesday.

  6. @AbigailAdams
    The thing about the immunity granted to the Hildabeast cronies is that if any of them were not truthful in what they told the FBI, the immunity can and should be revoked and everything they said can be used in criminal court. In Huma’s case, she swore she turned over all devices that contained State Dept communications. When the NYPD discovered the emails on Weiner’s computer, Huma lost her stay out of jail card. If we had a Justice Dept that cared about carrying out justice, Huma would be the first fitted with an orange pantsuit.

  7. Interesting how all of the Liberal MSDM avoids any investigative effort to dig into this scandal. Why aren’t they parked in front of the Orhs’ home and hounding the hell out of Susan Rice? They can’t handle the truth if it involves Democrats. Collusiongate will help spell the death of the Fake News networks.

  8. But the question still remains…
    WHY is there not a single person sitting in jail this very moment for contempt of court?

    If it had been me, you or some other deplorable that LIED and miss-led a judge in a court of law, we would have been sitting in a dark hole awaiting trial exactly five milliseconds after the judge found out that we had in fact lied to him.

    But no one is in jail, the four judges that everyone KNOWS were lied to have not said anything or done anything to those who have made a mockery of their court.

    Why it’s almost as if the judges KNEW they were being lied to and approved of their actions.

    If that is the case then WHY has the congress not started impeachment proceedings against these obviously corrupted judges.

    If you want to start seeing the rats singing like birds then you simply turn up the heat. Unfortunately, we have RINO’s who are afraid of being uninvited from the cool kids cocktail parties.

    I guess we will have to wait for the IG report before we can start watching the dancing rats. President Trump will keep exploding the libturd heads on a regular basis til then.

    MSG Grumpy

  9. things that make you say WTF!?

    Ohr is like the Lee Harvey Oswald of skirts. She was in Soviet Russia when no one got in or out of Soviet Russia. She was traveling around in Russia, when no one went out of any city without a special travel visa.
    Those kinds of things should send off red flags in US intelligence, because when Nellie Ohr was not arrested by the KGB for being a US spy, it would mean she was assisting the Soviet regime against the United States, which again begs the question, what the hell was this woman during HW Bush’s tenure roaming around behind the Iron Curtain and not setting off any red flags?
    How does a woman like this an asset of Soviet communists, then marry a man named Bruce Ohr who was the 4th most powerful man in the Department of Justice under Rob Rosenstein, and no one at FBI or Justice says in the background check, “What the hell are we allowing Bruce Ohr anywhere near classified intelligence in who he is married to?”

  10. i’ll be the first to say I want to see it happen but I know not one of those traitors will ever be prosecuted and serve any type of punishment.

    so expect it to happen again and again.

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