The Ol’ Fishing Line Scam – IOTW Report

The Ol’ Fishing Line Scam

A truck driver was caught flipping his license plates up while going through EZ Pass lanes in order to thwart cameras capturing toll jumpers.

He used fishing line that fed into his cab.

This happened on the George Washington Bridge in New York, where the toll for a 5-axle truck is NINETY DOLLARS!!!!

See the flipping plate in action after the jump-

19 Comments on The Ol’ Fishing Line Scam


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  2. Yeah, $90 to cross a freakin’ bridge that was paid for years ago seems reasonable, doesn’t it?

    I wonder what would happen if all the truck drivers refused to deliver to the city? For about a week?

    Maybe the truckers should charge Nuh Yoik $90 bucks for the hassle of driving in that sh!thole to deliver all of the essentials for life and commerce.

  3. The video and article don’t exactly make it clear, but did he rig his back plate and the plate on his trailer to disappear too, because otherwise he must feel really dumb when DMV is able to look him up by either of those other plates (E-Z pass takes both front AND back images to make sure the plates match the transponder in question) and he gets a fine added on top of the $90 toll.

  4. @Peter–I’ve never seen a big rig’s box match the plate of the tractor–mainly because with the box, the plate on the rear of the tractor isn’t visible and the box is registered separately and oftentimes left at a destination.

  5. This is another example of why the Wall needs to be built. We are paying for the welfare state with this, and all the other, fees and fines we pay. We are subsidizing the illegals through this charade. If you get a parking ticket on fhat truck its $115 in NYC so its $ 200 plus in fines and fees and thats an automatic guarentee.

    That trucker pays $ 7.00 for a hamburger cooked in a diner by a mexican slave working for the diner owner. He would never pay $12-13-14 for that same burger cooked by an American citizen… he would be outraged.

    But he pays for the illegals free medical care, kids schooling, food stamps, odinga phone, section 8 housing, electric bill, gas bill, you name it… he just hands over the money to the toll booth collector and the Parking Violations Bureau instead of the waitress.

    Wake the fuck up America. We are getting sandbagged left and right. You are getting NOTHING for cheap or getting a “deal” by using illegal slave labor and shitty chinee imports. You are just playing a Three Card Monty shell game. You dont hand the money to them, the government takes it from you through taxes and fees and THEY give it to them via the WELFARE state.

  6. They had a story on the Justice Channel the other day about an automotive shop owner who built a James Bond style car to use in theft capers.

    The guy had bright halogen lights under his flip-up license plate to blind the cops. He also had an oil dump system and a hidden money drawer to stash the loot in. It was pretty impressive. The guy could have made a good living just customizing cars, but chose the path of free shit instead.

    I’ve never heard of the fishing line trick. Might have to give that a try next time I go to Denver airport.

  7. @govlawyer: While I’m aware the trailer would not match the tractor’s plates, there is still a registered plate number and a serial number assigned to the trailer owner who I’m sure has records of who is hauling his trailer on a given date/time. Driver won’t get away with it long before either the fines catch up to him or no cargo hauler will be willing to hire him.

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