The ol’ “I was just lifting a midget in the air” defense – IOTW Report

The ol’ “I was just lifting a midget in the air” defense

Man accused of kidnapping a two-year-old claims he was drunk when he went into the wrong apartment and ‘saw a midget’

  • Oren Cohen, 34, was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and burglary 
  • He is accused of picking up two-year-old girl in home of family he didn’t know
  • Cohen claims that he was at a friend’s apartment when he went to wrong unit
  • He said he was drinking and he thought the little girl was a ‘midget’ 

‘I didn’t realize, it was dark. I didn’t realize what was happening,’ Cohen said.

He said he had mistaken the child for a ‘midget’ and that he didn’t abuse her.

Read more:

Why’s he lifting a midget up in the dark?

He told the judge he would never do anything to the little girl because his “dad was a sex offender.”

That’s a great defense.

5 Comments on The ol’ “I was just lifting a midget in the air” defense

  1. I used to have a friend that would do stuff like that. He would get sloppy ass drunk, break into somebody’s apartment and piss on their couch, or try to make a fried egg sandwich at three in the morning and end up passed out facedown on the floor with his pants around his knees when the cops showed up to arrest him.
    Friggin freak show.

  2. Never had a drinking buddy attack a small kid, but some people really do switch for the worse after too much liquor.

    I get a bit loose, however I’m never one to go on a wild midget hunt. Whenever someone starts up with that off the wall shit, I wonder if they’re trying too hard to be funny. Give it up already, I’m sick of hearing about the same thing over and over! Food usually changes the subject for the better around that time of night.

  3. old_oaks.

    When I get the rare opportunity to indulge a little more with the adult beverages (Having kids makes it rare. Oh well.), you are correct. Carbs are your friends!

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