The Ol’ “You Can Never Fight the Government With Your Guns” Fallacy – IOTW Report

The Ol’ “You Can Never Fight the Government With Your Guns” Fallacy

Here’s a good point- counterpoint- countercounterpoint.



Do you honestly think you could fight off the government if they actually were this boogieman you make them out to be? – [–]EatinWhoppers

CounterCounterPoint – (Warning: Bad Language)

HT/ chabanais- Stronger than derp


Of course, someone said that the left’s answer would be to disarm the police.

25 Comments on The Ol’ “You Can Never Fight the Government With Your Guns” Fallacy

  1. Point taken. Do our fellow Americans have the same will to not be subjugated as the Afghanis (I’m reading Horse Soldiers right now) did when they declined the Russians? I think a lot do not. I think the number who do can make a hella difference.

  2. Well I doubt any insurgency would be fighting the US military on Main St, a million people with guns marching toward DC would be enough to turn things around. And its not just about federal government. There are far reaching local governments as well.

  3. But don’t forget those blue helmets. Yes, they would make pretty targets that stand out in any environment but they’re liable to ship over a couple million of them at a shot. Airdrops, amphibious landings… if the globalists can fly over and relocate a hundred thousand half-naked Somalians on airliners with no one really noticing, just think what it can do if it was really mad, and do it quick. Just sayin.

  4. Another thing the left never thinks about is that in any confiscation scheme, the bureaucrats all become legitimate targets.

    Day 1: bureaucrats happily direct SWATting of citizens
    Day 2: a couple hundred bureaucrats are assassinated, many at their homes
    Day 3: bureaucrats stop showing up for work

  5. When I’m in a really dark mood and start thinking about this topic, confiscation the way we envision it won’t work. We know it and the Left knows it.

    What I think they’d more likely try is some form of mass false flag CBR attack on what they view as critical points of leadership and cohesion of armed opposition, in conjunction with the vital step of shutting down the internet to restrict information exchange.

    And naturally, have every voice in the MSM blame the false-flagged opposition for the CBR attacks to get everyone else demanding they be punished…the first step to which will be to take away their weapons.

    By that time they’d have completely neutralized any large-scale organized resistance. THEN they come in, in force, to mop up.

    Kinda like, if you saw it, what HYDRA/SHIELD almost pulled off in that second Captain America movie….every potential threat had already been logged and targeted far in advance. Nothing so detailed in real life, but key figures and locations? What do you think? Tell me it’s impossible.

  6. They will go about it in a slippery way, for instance if you’re known to own guns they’ll deny the renewal of your drivers licence until they’ve been turned in. Thats just an example but don’t expect them to confront you at your front door.

  7. Q: “How do you eat an Elephant?”
    A: “One bite at a time.”

    “Grab em by the nose and kick em in the ass.
    (Geo. Patton)

    As grool (Mr. grool?) points out – it’s a question of legerdemain.
    Totalitarians – would-be dictators – can’t express any semblance of truth – that would expose their nefarious designs. The media is corrupt insofar as they believe that there’s some socialistic tendency in the would-be dictator/totalitarian – which, of course, is only a guise.

    So, some sort of “crisis” would be manufactured – Reichstag Fire – OK City Bombing – Waco TX Bullshit – which could be mushroomed into a very clearly defined “Us v Them” for the oppression, persecution, and confiscations to occur. The Jews better be paying attention, because they are the more likely victims (historically speaking), than any other single group. And their attraction to socialism (per se) won’t be of any value or benefit, to them. In the “Bloodlands” of Eastern Europe in the 30s the Jews were accused of both master-minding communism and collectivization and of the capitalistic organization of middle-men and “wreckers” who thwarted communism and collectivization.

    FACTS – in and of themselves – have little bearing on politics – particularly the power politics behind a “fundamental transformation” of a Republic.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Years ago I read a short article written by a woman who was not
    much of a firearms ownership supporter. She wrote one thing that stuck in my mind. She said: “I find
    it strangely comforting that on the
    opening day of deer season in Pennsylvania, there are more hunters
    in the woods than there are soldiers in our army.”

  9. Try to find a book titled “Unintended Consequences” by John Ross. It is a bit dated but tells how citizens get pushed into resisting government abuses.

  10. If Barky had gotten the Civilian National Security Force he wanted, I’d be more concerned. But watching all of the incompetence, laziness and cowardice displayed by various local sheriffs, I think we have more than a fighting chance against those who would take our guns.

  11. You cannot control Americans
    You can only kill them
    That is why the Founding Fathers put that amendment in there’
    I would trust the American people to repel any invading army they can bring

  12. I had this same argument with a Friend , and I said

    “A couple of Low Watt moslems set off a few Pressure Cookers

    and shut the whole Country down, What do You think Highly

    trained, and Highly motivated Veterans could do?”

    He said remember I’m on Your side when the sh*t starts.

  13. The Fed. Dept.s of Education, Commerce, Agriculture, HEW, Energy, National Weather Service, CDC, National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management all have S.W.A.T teams.

  14. One thing’s for DAMNED sure – you ain’t gonna fight em WITHOUT guns!

    “Get in the oven!”
    “I don’t want to!
    *BAP* *BAM*
    “Ooooookkkkkkkaaaaayyyyyy …”

    izlamo delenda est …

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