The Origins Of the Coronavirus Pandemic – IOTW Report

The Origins Of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Fauci is up to it in his latest-virus-testing nether region!

Steve Hilton’s Special Investigation Into the Origins Of the Coronavirus Pandemic

28 Comments on The Origins Of the Coronavirus Pandemic

  1. I haven’t mentioned it on this site but I came down with Covid-19 in December of 2019.
    Not 2020, 2019.
    December 3rd to be exact.
    I live and work in Las Vegas and I am around tourists from all over the world.
    Many Asians visit here and the casinos likewise cater to them.
    I first went to an emergency care hospital when I had weird pains and burning in my chest. Trouble breathing and the chills.
    Over the course of December I went to the doctors and the hospital four times.
    Nobody could find anything wrong.
    I tested negative for the flu and pneumonia.
    I have had walking pneumonia and full-blown pneumonia before, so I knew this was different.
    When you get a certain age you know when something is different.
    I had so many strange symptoms I knew this was serious shit.
    I really didn’t think I would make it to 2020.
    I sat on the couch crying more than one night.
    I had to sleep sitting up to enable breathing.
    I figured I would pass away in the night on several occasions.
    It was weird because my body fought it and day to day it was different.
    The doctors never did diagnose my illness and I started to get over it in January of 2020.
    Later that month Covid was in the news.
    I put two & two together and figured it out.
    Over the Summer I was tested for antibodies and it came up positive.
    The fact is, Covid was here in the Fall of 2019.
    I read an article that the Red Cross found antibodies in stored, donated blood from December 2019 as well.

    My conclusion:
    Our government is fucking worthless. *Sigh

  2. I’m convinced that COVID was a China lab test, specifically to see how they could impose shock and awe across the globe while they deploy and position their military for the final blow.

    Wake up. China is evil, and every move that they make is about world domination.

    We are so asleep at the wheel.

    But we have Joe to save us. What a perfect plan…

  3. Loco, I’m so glad you survived! It sounds like you had a more virulent strain, as it’s now known that it was at the beginning.

    I never could figure out why President Trump kept Fauci on after all the news I’ve heard over the last year. I know that some people think that he kept people in their positions, knowing that they were against him, in order to flush out all of the swamp. I believed that for maybe one week. But with the lockdowns, masks, small business destruction, students kept from school, etc., it just didn’t make sense why he would allow that to continue just to weed out one more swamp dweller.

    As we now know, he had people who actively were against everything he was trying to do. He obviously didn’t know about all of them, since he allowed them to treat the ChinaVirus as something more serious than a 98.6% survival rate flu that it turned into.

    I still don’t know why he put so much effort into a vaccine rather than putting that energy into fighting the banning of medicine that was proven to be effective in, not only fighting it, but preventing it. Maybe, someday, we will know.

  4. Jennifer brought it home in late September 2019 from Fort Smith, Arkansas. She’s an RRT and, of course, deals with that kind of shit.

    It went through the entire family very quickly. Ian had it about a week, Jennifer had it with on and off lingering for a month, and it took me over 2 months to be wholly symptom free.

    I actually have no proof it was kung flu, but none of us have had anything since that. Jennifer being an RRT and dealing with kung flu patients weekly — and not getting the disease again, it seems logical that we had it in late September, 2019.

  5. It’s not that the left trusts China more than they trust Trump, it’s that they are in league with China. It is a leftists wet dream to basically shut down civil liberties in the name of the “pandemic.”

    Yes, there is a virus going around. Yes, people have gotten sick from it and some have died. But calling gunshot victims and traffic accident victims COVID deaths is a downright lie to get people to willingly surrender their rights. One year from now we will still be facing many of the same restrictions that we are facing now as the 47th more virulent strain of the virus will be the sweeping the nation.

    Watch Biden “die from COVID” which will give the government more excuses to crack down on us in memory of our beloved leader.

  6. Thank you Claudia.
    I can’t blame Trump for the failure and I don’t believe you are either.
    The swamp enemy was so vast and entrenched he was unarmed riding a jet-ski into Normandy.
    Hell, even the people he hired and vetted were only in it for themselves and stabbed him in the back, got BJ’s from CNN and wrote book deals.
    Yes, Trump was naive, with Omarosa and that asswagon Scaramucci, among many other dipshits.
    I think he felt people around him were on his side and let his guard down.

    The whole thing with Covid is that China unleashed it without a doubt.
    It may have been intentionally made in a lab as bio-terrorism or accidentally released.
    They knew either way and allowed international travel to destroy the world.
    China virus
    Election Stolen
    The evil won in 2020.

  7. Erik, I totally believe it was here at that point.
    If I got in early December, I was definitely NOT patient Zero.
    The way a virus spreads around the world it isn’t like in the zombie movies.
    It takes time and then the masses get hit.
    For it to hit hard last March it was definitely spreading at least six months earlier without a doubt.
    I bet if you ask Fauci, he wouldn’t have a fucking clue.
    Ignorant little rat bastard.
    Our stupid government has no desire to pin down when it first hit.
    They point to Washington State in January as patient Zero.

  8. I had severe lung and breathing problems Thanksgiving 2019. Lasted about 2 weeks. Haven’t had anything since. I’m not going to get tested, I’m not wearing a mask, I’m not getting the vaccine, and I’m not going to the Dr. Unless I absolutely have to.

  9. Loco, I am certainly not happy that you experienced covid, but our house went through a similar experience. I was sick as hell in the late summer, may or may not have been Covid, likely not. But my wife was same time frame as you, it took a long time to get over it, and she was miserable. We can’t trust our “leaders” for the truth.

  10. joe6, the odd symptoms really stood out.
    I have never felt the burning in my back and chest like that.
    I couldn’t lay on my left side due to sharp pains in my heart.
    I felt like popping in my muscles.
    Chills at night.
    As far as losing sense of smell, I lost my appetite for a whole week.
    I couldn’t climb steps.
    As a runner I was sad because I felt I would never run again.
    The doctors gave me friggin muscle relaxers!
    The symptoms differed from day to day.
    Some days I felt I was coming around…the next night I felt it was my last on earth.
    That is another thing about Covid, it affects everyone in different ways.

    It is some insidious Chinese shit!

  11. Those of us that want to be proactive, and especially those of us in a high risk category, it’s really hard to get meds that we believe could make a difference. So with that being said, I contacted America’s Front Line Doctors. That is Simone Gold’s organization. They have online doctors that will call you, interview you, and likely prescribe the meds you may need. I described my history, and my desire to have on hand the meds I may need should I develop Covid symptoms. The doctor seemed very professional and agreed to prescribe HCQ and AZ. It took a week for the pharmacy to contact me, and it will be another week before they ship, due to availability, so if you need or desire to be somewhat in control of your destiny they may be a good option, but be prepared for it to take a few days. I have yet to receive my meds so I can’t come out with a full blown endorsement, but my expectations are high.

  12. Loco
    “Our stupid government has no desire”
    It not our government, it theirs. The Liars, Cheats, Dems, Pedos, MSM, and Big Tech. It’s part of “their” plan.
    Also, anybody that isn’t condemning the pedophilia, is supporting it.

    Police State Contagion: US Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

  13. Another thing about early 2020, the WHO lied and said it wasn’t “human to human transmissible.”

    Democrats were impeaching Trump and didn’t GAF.
    If he came out strong against China they called it a distraction.
    They also said that he “fired” Obama’s White House pandemic team.
    Why do we have the fucking CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL!
    We spend billions on that shit!

  14. Fauci advocates getting the Anal COVID Test.
    My brother received it personally from Fauci.
    When he came home, my brother said, “Damn, that was the biggest Q-Tip I ever felt! I’m still bleeding.”

  15. They tried to trap Trump, he didn’t fall for it, pissed them off even more. The swamp is deep and wide. The Dems have spent decades trapping people in power. What do you suppose they on Mitch? Is he another closet pedo? Threaten his family? He looks scared every time he speaks, and you can tell he reading a script.
    The Dems are the cartel, Taliban, drug/human traffickers, self appointed ruling class.
    There is so much information on their cabal.
    Oprah Winfrey Reportedly Appears on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express

  16. Better than HCQ.
    Ziverdo Kit consisting of Zinc. Ivermectin, and Doxycycline in a small blister pack with instructions on when and how to take.
    Look at the stats for the US. Canada, and then India.
    Guess when India started distributing this wonder drug pack.

    I’ve ordered and received these kits from here:
    $84 for four kits shipping included.
    It took about a month.
    The shipping charge is the same @ $30 for up to 12 kits, and free after that.
    Something I just noticed was that they now accept Paypal as well.
    I assume that AFLD would prescribe the two drugs included in the pack, and the Zinc can be bought at any vitamin display.

    In addition, Ivermectin can be used as a preventative course.
    For those squeamish ones out there, perhaps AFLD will prescribe the pills, but I have been using this for two months with no ill effect:

    The syringe has graduations on the plunger for 250#.
    The dosage is the same per pound for humans as it is for horses.
    Ask any vet and they’ll tell you that animal drugs are at least as pure as those administered to humans as long as the dosage is equivalent.
    First dose, followed by the second dose 2-3 days later, and one dose every other week for preventative care.
    Cost is $3.99 for a syringe that will treat a 1250# horse.

    All of this should have been available way back in August, but the swamp is really good at covering it’s ass and watching out for their cash cows which, in this case, is the pharmaceutical industry.
    BTW, the cost to the India government for this is less than $3 per kit.

  17. Not just Fauci. Birx the Scarf Queen is still ticked off that Trump was getting information from sources other than herself.
    Scott Atlas was on Newsmax the other day. He said Pres. Trump was getting info from all kinds of experts but the swamp rats (my words) are so vicious they did what they could to keep varying opinions out.
    He left not because of Trump but because of the dirty little bureaucrats who suddenly found themselves with power.

  18. There are people all over conservative forums posting anecdotes about how Covid is real and they had it, or someone they know had it.
    Either they are deluded or shills for the NWO cabal, imo.
    I suspect the latter.
    It’s like a full court sock-puppet press.

    Covid is a Scamdemic and part of the Great Reset.

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