The Outer Limits – IOTW Report

The Outer Limits

It took me a long time to find this one.

12 Comments on The Outer Limits

  1. Star Trek and the Wild Wild West both had episodes involving accelerated time. I wonder if this one was first, and the others were copycats–

    By the way, did you notice the “kids in cages?”

  2. The Outer Limits was way more scary.
    Rocks that came alive, I got rid of my rock collection after watching that one. They ate your face and made you old.
    Fried eggs for eyes after being caught out in a metallic rain on a distant planet. Another good one.
    Good shows.

  3. I agree with Tony. The tricycle would have been a better, easier, more sure choice to stop. Things like that drove me a little nuts when I was a kid. Lucille Ball show was like that. Stupid stuff a kid could do better.

    The description the lost man had for his existence was spot on for the experience I had around 3 years old, although there was a bit more to my experience. When I read of the “outer darkness” in the Bible, I knew exactly what it meant.

    You don’t want that separation from God. He is the source of everything. Please do not reject Him. It is the worst and last choice you’ll regret – forever. There is only one way to be with Him.

    Through His son, Jesus.

  4. Uploader has not made this available in your country….
    Here I am in Canada, remembering watching The Outer Limits, and not getting the chance to relive an episode.


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