The Overt Racism of the Left is Plain To See By Everyone Except THE LEFT! – IOTW Report

The Overt Racism of the Left is Plain To See By Everyone Except THE LEFT!

Democrat talks about his minority staff and throws a “but” at everyone. This is unreal, and that it isn’t on every TV station is so very typical of the MSM.

UPDATE: He “misspoke.”

17 Comments on The Overt Racism of the Left is Plain To See By Everyone Except THE LEFT!

  1. So let’s see……so even though one is “Indian American” and one is “African American”, their doing good work. Typical prog mentality. When a dope like this has to apologize, it only means he accidently spoke his mind. This current pack of dopes is worse than ever. I’ve loaded up on popcorn.

  2. Every liberal has a minority friend.

    Liberals are the most racist, misogynistic and vile misanthropes the world has ever seen.

    I’ve probably known more liberals than conservatives, I’m also white. It’s no joke, liberals when they feel they’re in their safe space, are the the most racist people I’ve ever met.

  3. Leftists always get a pass for their racist statements because their hearts are pure. Conservatives never get a pass, because their hearts are filled with hate. According to the media.

  4. @old_oaks October 31, 2018 at 10:22 pm – “Liberals are the most racist, misogynistic and vile misanthropes the world has ever seen.”

    Sadly, many “liberal” persons of color set the racism bar even lower than non-POC “liberals”. See Louis Farrakhan, Don Lemon, Al Sharpton, etc. They don’t even care if they’re in their ‘safe spaces’.

  5. Notice he used the conjunction “but” instead of the conjunction “and”. He accidently said what he meant and inadvertently revealed his own bigotry. A color blind person would have used the conjunction “and”.

    Ethnic Minorities please take note, this is what Democrat Progressives, who think they are your superiors, think of you.


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  1. The Left Uses “Misspoke” as an Excuse So Much We Need a Running Gag – IOTW Report

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