The Party Of ‘Democracy” Will Now Choose Your Candidate For You – IOTW Report

The Party Of ‘Democracy” Will Now Choose Your Candidate For You


On Sunday, July 21, President Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential campaign via a text-only post on Twitter/X.

Less than an hour later, Biden – also via a text-only post on Twitter/X – endorsed vice president Kamala Harris for the presidency. 

Thus, in just a few minutes, the ruling party in Washington completely erased the primary election process from one of the country’s major parties.

That is, the same Democratic party that tells us it is the party of “democracy” just completely cut ordinary voters out of the selection process for the Democratic nominee. 

Instead, the Democratic nominee in 2024 will be chosen by a small group of elite party insiders. We’re told there will be an “open convention” in Chicago to choose the nominee, but all that means is that that there is no pre-determined nominee going into the convention. In any case, however, the nominee will be chosen by delegates and superdelegates (i.e., wealthy party elites like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) behind closed doors. 

The Democratic party’s efforts to circumvent the primary process are quite remarkable for a ruling coalition that lectured the general public endlessly in 2020 about how Donald Trump was allegedly a “threat to democracy” and how “democracy is on the ballot.” more

18 Comments on The Party Of ‘Democracy” Will Now Choose Your Candidate For You

  1. ^ Disgruntled Democrats?

    They’re too fucking stupid to be ‘disgruntled’ any more. Being disgruntled would imply a degree of independent thinking. That’s long gone. They watch the news to have their opinions formed for them.

  2. The 2016 Democrat primary was a total sham, Cankles Clinton had the superdelegates in her pocket before the primaries even started, it didn’t matter what the voters wanted. Bernie got bought off with a house.

  3. They not only completely erased the primary election process from one of the country’s major parties, but they completely erased the general election process from the country’s other major party.

  4. There’s an 18 second video of some reporter asking Biden why he quit the race. Biden has no idea that he’s quit the race. His address should be damned interesting tonight.

  5. I’ve been saying for at least 6 months that they were going to nominate Joe and then dump him so they could handpick the nominee. I guessed the right conclusion but the wrong process they would use to carry it out.

  6. A wise man (Alexander Fraser Tytler) once said:
    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
    Without Constitutional limits to power, which we’ve see democRATz ignor, the above can, will and is happening. Over the decades democRATz have slowly mutated the term Republic to Democracy to the point where many people have no idea what a Republic even is let alone pledge allegiance to it.

  7. The Dems don’t care who their President is. A Dem President is now a figure head with no authority. The very fact that they would appoint some one like Kammi indicates they plan on winning by cheating once again. And along with that will come all kinds of dangerous shit. New viruses, terrorist attacks, BLM/Antifa protests. It’s going to be a rough ride.

  8. The Dems don’t care who their President is. A Dem President is now a figure head with no authority.

    A cardboard cut-out of a President with no face, just a bit of velcro to stick the new picture to!

  9. It genuinely doesnt matter.

    Whatever face they steal the presidency for, the same people will be puppeteering that person as they did Pedo, so nothing will really change.

  10. @Brad

    I agree. I’m watching a liberal friends Twitter account. One day, Biden is the only way to save democracy. He’s not too old, he’s Grandpa Awesome. Then, Kamala steps in, now Trump is too old and a felon, yay womanhood yadda yadda. Biden, who?

    The Trump campaign better focus on Kamala being a radical and a younger more energetic version of Biden. Skip the slut shaming and saying she’s not a mother. I know just a few days of that have irritated women who were fence sitters. The economy and public safety was far more important prior to Kamala being anointed. Now, identity politics is winning again…policy policy policy.

    My two cents.

  11. This is Democracy in action by the Democrate leadership. The raw Socialist democratic process, allowing only a cadre of party elites to select the Democrat presidential nominee.

    The Republic Constitutional rule of law that President Trump defends does threaten socialist democracy.
    The Founding Fathers disliked democracy which leads to mob rule in it’s purest form. Democrats side step the checks and balances in our government system. So, we’re seeing how much more tyrannical Democrats are under pressure.

    The Democrats are demonstrating the contempt they have for powerless members concerns and preferences.
    The division among the different fractions of the Democrat party will guarantee KamalMao loses in November. She’s the best they have to even come close to being competition for President Trump.

    Also, Democrat leadership is trying to take the easy way out with KamalMao. She’s already on the Biden ticket and on ballots. None of the other Demwit candidates can get on most State ballots without a primary at this late date.

  12. Illustr8r

    “Policy, Policy, Policy. Exactly. One thing about the fence sitters though, they still buy fuel and groceries. I do all the meal prep ay my house. Stress relief. So I do most of the grocery shopping. There’s not a day that I visit the grocery store where some mom with 5 kids hanging off her grocery kart doesn’t comment on the price of one item or another. I heard a woman say to a teller the other day that she hadn’t served her family red meat in months. The fence sitters can’t escape reality.
    But to your point, this is no time for personal attacks. It should be all business.


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