The Party That Will Be In Power if Biden is the President – IOTW Report

The Party That Will Be In Power if Biden is the President

23 Comments on The Party That Will Be In Power if Biden is the President

  1. Wait, how did a felon get a gun? Did he acquire it through legal means? Perhaps the gun-show-loophole? And isn’t D.C. basically a gun-free zone? So what was he doing in possession of a gun in D.C.? I thought gun-free zones guaranteed that there aren’t any guns.

  2. It’s true — and worse. If anyone thinks that a stolen “win” for their guy is going to mollify them, they’ve got rocks in their head. Evil is only fueled to a fever pitch by victory — hollow or not. No one will be safe from their random and capricious acts of violence.

    But here’s something to hang on to:

    YouTube pulled down the first one that was posted a week ago, so try to save this and send it to every patriot you know.

  3. Are you all ready to provide security for yourselves and your loved ones. I am, and I won’t be wearing a body cam.
    If things should get more than a little hairy out there, it’s not my doing.

  4. It’s curious how the permanent underprivileged welfare class seems so well fed. It’s as if the democrats have been beefing them up like farm animals for the deep State Fair beat down on little old ladies.

    Dey badass.

  5. @AbigailAdams NOVEMBER 16, 2020 AT 3:59 PM

    That video is saved now. Nice, and true.

    I hate where all this is going. We know the hate and violence is coming no matter who’s in office because the left is committed to it’s insanity, but with Trump there we’ll have a chance to recruit more from the left as they awaken to what’s trying to be foisted on the world.

    Truly evil what the left is up to.

    Appropriately, my friend/pastor’s sermon yesterday was on The Book of Daniel.

    How many of us will stand against them and take the consequences when we’re personally faced with the coming oppression? It’s easier for the likes of me that are near the end of our time here on Earth. Whatever we do, it is for those we leave behind.

    I can’t think of anything more motivating than what I’m leaving behind for them. My future is short now. I have little to lose by making a stand. I would have to be the weakest of cowards to not do whatever it takes to stop them.

    I only contemplate the how, now.

  6. Trump will be reelected. Dozens if not hundreds of prophetic Words confirm that. Is God a liar?

    But, it will be rough because all, repeat, ALL the demons of hell will be released onto US soil. We will win but your comfort should be in the LORD, your confidence IN HIM because He will defeat them.


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