The Pearl Harbor Attack Was Only The Beginning – IOTW Report

The Pearl Harbor Attack Was Only The Beginning


The Imperial Navy of Japan crippled the U.S. Pacific Fleet, but a number of the big ships were refloated and returned to service during the war.  Most of them were able to inflict some sweet revenge on the Japanese Navy 22 months later.



5 Comments on The Pearl Harbor Attack Was Only The Beginning

  1. to think that our parents kicked Germany, Japan and to a lesser extent (mush lesser) Italies asses in under 4 years.

    Cant seem to be able to whip mohammed in 15 years.

    But, a new Sheriff is coming, and Americas coming with him.

  2. Of the 150~ Pearl Harbor Survivors, I have one: The Book I wrote, released this December 7th on the 75th anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor with 280 illustrations.

    This is the history of a US Medic who leaves Tripler Hospital to help wounded on Hickam Field only to see the last Japanese 99 bombers flying low overhead and the Japanese pilot in that plane — I have the letters of that Japanese pilot.

    White Pearl, Red Sea is a dual history that documents the beginning of WWII and the attack at Pearl Harbor, on December 7th of 1941.

    A new feature of mine is ‘The Voice in the Book™’ — a one-minute audio segment in each chapter of the book — in the voice of the US Medic on the field.

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