The People’s Convoy Begins Its Journey Today – IOTW Report

The People’s Convoy Begins Its Journey Today

USA Freedom Convoy Departs California, Let’s Roll America Ground Report, Detail and Links for Updates.

CTH: Early this morning, The People’s Convoy [Facebook Page Here] departed for a 10-day freedom convoy from California to DC. The final stop is in Hagerstown, Maryland.  Friend of the Treehouse, John Spiropolous is traveling with the convoy and will be sharing ground reports along the route.

Facebook Page ~ Official Convoy Website Here ~ Press Release pdf Here

The truckers will drive anywhere from a minimum of 216 miles a day to 375 miles a day. Travel times daily range from a minimum of three and a half hours of driving to a maximum of five and three quarters hours of driving a day.  Today they departed from Adelanto Stadium, CA, and will arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay. John was with the convoy as they prepared and departed, WATCH:

As John Spiropolous notes, “obviously, an individual trucker can make it from California to DC a lot faster. But for safety and security reasons, coordinating what they expect to be thousands of truckers, they’re going to take their time. My own opinion is that like that old phrase, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” the convoy’s message is the journey. The convoy gets 10 days of publicity. And with no intention of going into DC, much less encircling the Capitol, they’ll avoid a J6 type false flag op.”

12 Comments on The People’s Convoy Begins Its Journey Today

  1. I expect a false flag at some point on the journey. FBI agents dressed as truckers, carrying MAGA flags will start shooting at the cops or something to give the capital police an excuse to move in. Very nervous about this.

  2. I think there are enough East Coast trucker that can cause big problems in DC and other state capitals. I would like to see the West Coast stay in the western US and hit the blue state capitals.

  3. Another chance for the feds and mainstream media to pay morons to fly Nazi flags and pretend to be Trump supporters while spewing stupid garbage they believe sounds like a conservative. What’s the fucking point?

  4. Perhaps they need to have freedom truck rallies in every state capitol in the US instead of one big one in Wash. DC. I noticed on I 90 going East in Post Falls, Idaho and in Coeur d’ Alene groups of people gathered together on the freeway overpasses waving American flags and showing support and encouraging all the truckers as they drove by on I 90 this morning. May God bless them, I drive for a living making deliveries of flowers in Eastern Washington, N. Idaho and Western Montana and all the truckers have my full support. And FJB!

  5. Considering the price of gas here in California, $4.75 on average, I think joe6pak’s idea makes more sense. There are enough East Coast truckers to make a statement in DC, the west coast truckers need to shut down Sacramento and make a nuisance of themselves in front of Newsom’s El Dorado Hills home.

    Brad can organize food and water runs for them.

  6. Was gonna’ drive up to the 40 to do the support deal. Got as far as the driveway.

    Besides being lazy, I realized that when you live on a rural dirt road…….snowplows get to you last. Yup. Bone dry all dang winter and last night we get dumped on.

  7. Pelosi worries about optics but fencing and guardsmen all dressed up with no people to control is the optics of a paranoid tyrant out of touch with the world around her. I’ve wondered if she’s called Gen. Milley over concerns of an unstable President with the nuclear codes and in actual conflict with the Russians.


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