The Phrase Trending Right Now On Google, “Can I Change My Vote” – IOTW Report

The Phrase Trending Right Now On Google, “Can I Change My Vote”

The Gateway Pundit

Searches for “can I change my vote” surged on Sunday evening following the bombshell sex tape and email leaks from Hunter Biden’s laptop, including in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania.

While Google Trends does not provide the exact number of searches, they index them on a scale of 1-100 based on the number of searches above the average. More

17 Comments on The Phrase Trending Right Now On Google, “Can I Change My Vote”

  1. …you can’t blame people who think they can change their sex for thinking they can change pretty much anything…not saying it isn’t stupid to think you CAN, but it’s no stupider than thinking you can change your body to match whatever your current insanity says it should be, and they’re ENCOURAGED to think THAT’S an option…althogh the issue wouldn’t even EXIST if we just, say, picked ONE day, told everyone ahead of time where the polls were, and then everyone went in and voted on ONLY that day…

    But that’s just fantasy, that could never have happened, except for the 200+ years that it DID, that is…

  2. @ Ask Hunter OCTOBER 27, 2020 AT 1:31 PM

    It wasn’t all that long ago the press was making like the hooker/baby mama was not a nasty piece of work and in fact was Miss Wholesome, pure as driven snow. I was skeptical. If there is anyone who believes Hunter and the tramp weren’t engaging in exactly the same activities that are documented on the Laptop From Hell that is a long row to hoe.

  3. What’s happening here? Are the LOFO voters getting some FO on Biden and already experiencing buyer’s remorse?

    But from where are they getting it? Not Facebook, Twitter or Google. Not ABC, CBS, NBC or PBS. Maybe a little bit on FOX? The Intenet? (*GASP!*)

    Is the Cabal-run Fourth Estate failing? Are the Chinese NOT getting their money’s worth here? Is the Clinton money not getting it done? Is the pandemic not working properly? Are the Globalists falling apart? Is the Democrat Party dying?

    WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Hey! We paid for this microphone!!11101011!!!

  4. Democrats may have tricked the stupid out of their votes, but they can’t undo all the guns and ammo sales of THIS year alone.

    If they really think America will peacefully accept the Joey/Cumola switcheroo and other deceits, they may discover that Jill might swallow anything but not all the rest of us. And THEY will wish they had a do-over.

  5. All the lefties I know get huffy when Trump comes on the TV and throw their middle fingers up at Trump 2020 signs.

    That’ll show ‘em. Heh!


    Get used to it, lefties.

  6. The low info left never understand how stupid they really are. Like children they expect a rescue from the consequences of immature behavior. Blind to the fact some consequences could be deadly or at least ruinous.
    However, progressive Deep State, who control the lies/narrative used to create Fake News Media mobs, Twitter twits, Facebook feckless and Tic Tok timebombs, know exactly what’s at stake, if too many of their brain dead finally see the potential self destructive cost of voting for Team Apocalypse – “Sleepy, Creepy” Joe and Kamala “The Monster” – they lose power over their dimwit hoard.
    No stupid, you can’t take back your vote. One thing for sure despite voters who have no clue and masive fraud, President Trump will get a second term.


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