The pipeline’s approved and environmentalists are angry – IOTW Report

The pipeline’s approved and environmentalists are angry

CFP: Final federal approval for what is being called the “new Keystone” came from the Army Corps of Engineers on July 26—allowing the pipeline to move forward. The 1,168-mile long Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), also called the Bakken Pipeline, is comparable in length to the Keystone XL. It will cross four states and carry 450,000 barrels of oil a day from North Dakota to a transfer terminal in Illinois where it will connect with other pipelines and be taken to refineries.

The $3.8 billion dollar project has pitted environmentalists against economic interests.

During the Keystone fight, outspoken opponent Jane Kleeb, founder of Bold Nebraska, said: “In America we should be focused on making sure that the oil in North Dakota, Oklahoma, and others, in Montana, that that oil is getting to market.” Now, thanks to DAPL, America’s oil will have a safer way to get “to market”—freeing up as many as 750 train cars a day to transport corn, soybeans, and grain. However, as soon as DAPL came on the scene, they moved the marker, and environmental opposition was mounted. Bold Iowa, a group that shares a website with Kleeb’s Bold Nebraska, says it has members willing to risk arrest in “nonviolent protests.” They are also training monitors to report any environmental violations or hazards.  MORE

18 Comments on The pipeline’s approved and environmentalists are angry

  1. I hope and pray that the EnviroNazi Wackos “members willing to risk arrest in “nonviolent protests””, become one with their environment and get buried under the pipeline.

    Another generation of St Pancake.

  2. “The $3.8 billion dollar project has pitted environmentalists against economic interests.”

    Total Fucking Lie.

    “The project has pitted Warren Buffet and his paid “EnviroNazi” stooges and the $2 Billion/yr extorted by BNSF against the economic interests of the Nation.”

    There, fixed it …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. In about 90 days we will see either the climatatrope/envirofreak/socialist/communist/death to the middle class/statist/collective/racist/nazi democrats -or- freedom/business friendly/2nd amendment supporting/GDP growth/individual rights/tax abating republicans.

    The pipeline will bring jobs and help other along the way. Business from restaurants to laundry mats the local economies will see an increase in business and revenue. The pipeline will also be safer than rail lines that pass within 30 feet of homes in some communities.

    Trump / Pence for the future of America

  4. The main focus of the protests seems to be that the pipeline may delay a move to “cleaner energy.” Which begs the question – what cleaner energy is a viable alternative?

    Hydroelectric is a very clean energy, but many environmentalist groups oppose building dams. Nuclear is a clean energy, but these sources are opposed by environmentalists as well. Wind is unreliable, and solar currently has its problems, so these sources are presently not a good substitute.

    Society will move to “clean energy,” however that is defined by environmentalists, when it becomes economically feasible to do so. The best way to block an oil pipeline is to come up with an economical and reliable alternative that renders oil and coal less viable as an energy source. No one legislated the transition from stage coaches and wagons to railroads, and no one legislated a ban on horses as transportation – this happened because railroads and automobiles were a better alternative. Somewhat similarly, oil replaced coal in many industries because oil was a better alternative.

    The so-called “common folk” seem to be wising up to environmentalists in that there is more and more demand for a viable alternative instead of just banning things willy nilly.

  5. I wish there was a way to take away all the benefits of a modern fossil fuel based economy from the irrational tree huggers. Just so they can try out an economy based on unicorn farts and fairy belches first before they impose it on everyone else.

  6. If these whack jobs were serious about the environment they would never drive a
    car or take any other transportation. They would disconnect all utilities from their home.
    Until they do this ‘shut the fuck up’

  7. Re: Unruly refugee “AC, I think they are taking a more direct route from ND to IL

    Looks like they are. Thank you for the link.

    Since they are avoiding the aquifer, I have no problems with their project.

  8. The first questions I always ask about the enviro-nazi protesters is –
    How did they get to the protest site?

    – Did they walk or ride a bicycle there? Or fly or drive there using evil oil / gas products to fuel their transportation.
    – If they walked, did they only fuel their bodies by only eating food planted and harvested by hand. Or did they consume food planted and harvested by diesel or gas fueled machines?
    – When they go on line to organize their protest- how do they power their computer? Do they manually rotate a generator of some kind to generate electric power?
    Do they only wear clothing of natural fibers, that are harvested 90% free of any reliance on oil powered machines?

    iow – if they aren’t living an early 19th century or earlier existence then they’re hypocrites or idiots or both, imo.

  9. AC, it’s good they care about keeping the water safe. Can’t live without clean water.
    Sounds like tanker trucks and rail cars are a bigger threat, so this is a win for everybody, even though the progtards will never admit such.

  10. @Unref, concur. The overland transport has always been the bigger danger. I’m no pipeline engineer but I can’t imagine a pressure drop in a leaking pipeline wouldn’t be met with a barrage of automatic valve closing that would limit the spill to less that of an overturned tank truck and far, far less than a catastrophic train wreck.

  11. Google image search US oil pipelines. There are enough oil lines in the US to circumnavigate the globe 7 times. Another thousand miles on top of the existing 385,000 miles of oil pipeline is nothing.

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