“The Platform” – IOTW Report

“The Platform”

Described as a science fiction-horror movie, the 2019 Spanish film “The Platform” (“el Hoyo” or “the Hole” in Spanish) is literally a moving feast of socialist class warfare sh*tshow aimed at critics in the mainstream. The film is available on Netflix.

The Premise: A guy agrees to submit himself to a social experiment in exchange for a college degree. Placed in a cell with holes cut in the floor and ceiling he has to keep himself alive on the food that is lowered from the upper level. The catch, what’s on the table are the leftovers from what prisoners on the floor above haven’t eaten (or defiled depending on their mood).

In true socialist melodramatic fashion, those on the upper levels eat first, gluttonously. Those on the bottom starve and suffer.

Watch the trailer Here

11 Comments on “The Platform”

  1. There are prisons in south america that are much like this but it’s a 10×10 cage with 30 or so people and they drop in food from the top. All at once and it’s not usually enough for everyone. Family members can bring food for their incarcerated members and pay/ bribe the guards to deliver it. Good stuff.

  2. Dr. Tar…..your movie prescription will leave many viewers with bloating and angst…..possibly swelling of the gonads.

    Now, Ol’ Uncle Burrs magic elixir of youth will settle those nerves and bring…..I dunno’ vim and vinegar to the jaded viewers of socialist crap movies.

    Have a free sample.


    Yes, it’s completely asinine. That’s what makes it so much fun.

    Also, I like movies with midgets.

    Yeah, that does look like a much better movie. I’ll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for the recommendation. – Dr. Tar

  3. TRF-i think that’s too good for child molesters. Something involving rusty desk drawers, ball peen hammers, a rolling pin, potato peeler, 30 pounds of kosher salt, 12 IV bags and 8 pre-placed tourniquets should be a good start. End with a tub grinder with a rough idle and slipping gears and we might get some justice. Maybe we can fit a sand blasting booth in someplace too.


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