“The Police are Like the Ku Klux Klan” – IOTW Report

“The Police are Like the Ku Klux Klan”

 The editor of the San Antonio Observer is vowing to publish the names and addresses of all San Antonio police officers so the public will know where they live, providing them the same protection people get from sex predators.



The deadly shooting of a man at the hands of a San Antonio police officer is under investigation by the department. An investigation is standard anytime a police officer is involved in a shooting.

36-year-old Antronie Scott was being followed by a undercover police officer Thursday night. Police say when Scott got into a car in a parking lot on Sahara Street, a uniformed officer was called in to arrest him. The department says the officer saw something in Scott hands he believed was a gun. He shot Scott once in the chest, killing him. The object in Scott’s hand turned out to be a cell phone. No gun was found at the scene

Today the San Antonio Observer, a tabloid, called a press conference and spoke on behalf of Scott’s family. The editor-in-chief, Stephanie Zarriello, says shootings of citizens by officers go unpunished because the officers remain anonymous.

“Like Ku Klux Klansman with hoods, (officers) do everything they can in order to protect their identities for fear of being brought to justice,” said Zarriello.

That’s why the San Antonio Observer says it is planning to publish the names and addresses of every officer in the San Antonio Police Department.

“Just as the names and addresses of sex offenders are publicized in order to protect the public from their wicked behavior, we feel that our community has the right to the exact same level of protection,” said Zarriello.


ht/ fdr in hell

And we’re going to publish the names and addresses of all victims of sexual assault because a few of them lied and falsely accused men of rape.

28 Comments on “The Police are Like the Ku Klux Klan”

  1. Let’s publish the names and addresses of all newspaper editors and writers, so the public knows when they’re living next to anti-American propagandists. After all, they’re like Joseph Goebbels and are a danger to a free society.

  2. “Hello..911?….This is Stephanie Zarriello at 101 Milksop Lane. There are three large men in my house threatening me. I’m afraid I’ll be raped. PLEAE HELP.”

    Dispatch – “Yes ma’am, help is what we do. I’ll dispatch an officer with KY Jelly soon………they’ll need it for seconds”

  3. Equating police officers with convicted sexual predators.

    That says it ALL.

    Yeah, I wonder if some locals there will think of Molon and even steven’s ideas.

  4. Hey look, yet another unarmed man shot and killed by a cop.

    Nothing to see here. Move along.

    The article says nothing about the race of either the victim or the murderer. The murderer isn’t even named, much less any talk of any (slap on the wrist) disciplinary action.

    I sure wish I could kill anyone I wanted and say later I thought they might be a threat. To bad I’m not a magical, supernatural creature who is above the law like a police officer.

  5. Molon–that’s exactly what someone did here in NY when an upstate paper published the names and addresses of pistol license holders–they published the names, addresses and if memory serves me, photos of the reporters and editors of this paper–owned by Gannet. Seems that they didn’t like it when their privacy was invaded–I wonder why?

  6. The fail is strong with this libtard. I just can’t work through all the levels of dumb that she had to ignore or be oblivious of to make such a statement and threat of action.

    the only explanation I can think of is she got a better job offer NOT in the state of Texas so she wants to go out leaving her mark and something to brag about while sipping wine and eating cheese at some power broker’s apartment in N.Y. city.

  7. I don’t know if the officer shooting was justified or not, that that’s not the point here. The point is that a newspaper editor wants to publish the names of all police officers because one officer is under investigation for a shooting.

    This was a shooting in the line of duty. Unjustified or not, the fact remains that the officer was called in to make an arrest, he or she shot someone, and everyone knows who shot who and where this incident occurred. The why of the matter is, and should be the subject of an investigation and the public can argue over the results as they want, but this is not some pedophile who wants to hide in the shadows – this is an incident that involved a public employee performing a public function who shot someone in the course of performing his or her duty. This is not exactly a case where the identity of the shooter is a mystery – it was a police officer called in to make an arrest and there was at least one other officer present.

    Sex offenders are completely different. There is nothing to justify a sex offense, and these people don’t want to be known nor do they want their activities reported. They committed crimes, they were convicted, and there is no gray area over whether or not the sex crime was justified. Furthermore, studies and statistics show that many, if not most sex offenders are repeat offenders, and the purpose of the disclosure laws is to alert members of the public that convicted sex offenders live in their area. Police officers, as a general rule, don’t skulk around shooting people so there is no rationale for publishing the names and addresses of all officers.

    If this editor truly believes that all police officers are wicked, then she should never call them for anything. That way, the police will not show up at her home or her office, and she should be perfectly safe from being shot by an officer. Of course, that leaves an obvious problem, but sometimes you just have chose between the unlikely event that you will be shot by a police officer versus the more likely event that you will be the victim of a criminal.

  8. Well, bless your heart, Stephie!

    Are you aware that in their ENTIRE existence the KKK killed fewer negroes than are killed by negroes in Chicago EACH YEAR?

    Kinda weird if you actually know some facts, huh?

    So … if you REALLY wanted to insult the cops, you’d refer to them as “negro Chicago thugs!” you dumb putz …

  9. She cast the dye in the Rubicon…now she must tote the note…namely be victimized by thugs, possibly be brutally raped and killed by her champions….have at it boys, and wear extra rubbers..that skank has stuff medicine can’t cure….so the ragsheet backed down…we DON’T….

  10. So, she’s not publishing officer’s names and addresses?

    Pity. I found out enough about her – enough to help her enjoy the kind of attention she threatened to shower cops with. The linked profile is mysteriously experiencing a change in status, but that’s really incidental at this point.

    They never like it when their rules are played against them. Dollars to donuts that’s what was offered.

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