The Political Suicide Hotline Is Ringing Nonstop – IOTW Report

The Political Suicide Hotline Is Ringing Nonstop

American Thinker: It is a mystery to me why so many politicians and pundits are suddenly committing career and party suicide. I suppose it’s because there has been a failure to recognize that they’ve been living in and promoting a fantasy world. In the meantime, the president has called their bluff, exposed the cant, and forced them into chaos and ruinous policies.

The failure of the Weekly Standard and the decline of the National Review have exposed the not-conservative Trump haters as unpragmatic, unrealistic snobs. They are now shaking the begging cup to keep from having to earn an honest living. In the face of the president’s rising popularity among voters and the economic and diplomatic successes of this administration, they continue to believe that on the right there are readers and donors who will keep them at it.

As Karl Notturno at the Daily Caller opines:

Never-Trumpism is easy. Read a few conservative philosophers. Hold to a few core principles, no matter what. And express outrage at most of what Trump says. Adoration from the media and liberal friends will follow.

But Never-Trumpism is also unthinking. It fails to account for the real world. That’s why so many Never-Trumpers ended up being so wrong about the 2016 election. And that’s why they continue to stumble about in the dark and continue to make absolute fools of themselves, egged on by liberal pundits who revel that they can say, “I must be open-minded; I have conservative friends.”

Never-Trumpers, with their unchanging views, can’t understand why the world does not agree with them and thus conclude that the world has gone mad. And this leads them to indulge in the feel-good drug of believing that they are the last intelligent and sane people in the country. Although they aren’t exactly clear on who died and left them in charge of the conservative intellectual tradition, they are adamant that they are the rightful heir.

The Weekly Standard eventually failed due to irrelevance. The Bulwark, established immediately to replace the aforementioned, will likely continue this tradition of irrelevance, only occasionally rising into the spotlight when some liberal television show needs a token conservative who has been beaten into submission.

It’s sad to see these minds, which have so much potential, wasting away in a fantasy land. Stuck on the drug of arrogant, uncritical pseudo-intellectualism.

Fat chance. The man they detest is carrying out policies they so often claimed to support, and the voters — most of whom they look down on — approve.

About 3-in-4 American voters favor a populist-nationalist “America First” legal immigration, trade, and foreign policy platform from candidates running for office that prioritizes protecting the way of life and economic security of United States citizens above all else.  MORE HERE

6 Comments on The Political Suicide Hotline Is Ringing Nonstop

  1. More like – Hold no core principles and parrot out platitudes and lie to the Republican’s most consistent base of support while pretending to pat them on the back while in fact feeling around for a nice soft spot between a couple ribs to slip your dagger.

  2. This one’s easy. Politicians take the path of least resistance. Let’s face it, most of them, especially on the Left, couldn’t hold a job in the private sector because they:
    A: Can’t pass a drug test
    B: Just not smart enough
    C: Have a criminal record
    D: Too damn lazy
    E: Don’t have basic skill sets
    F: Just too dishonest
    Does anyone really think these group-think Lemmings are smart enough to put on the brakes before plunging over the cliff???

  3. Think they are above the Law and can get away with it.
    Also the media deflects attention and/or does not report their criminal malfeasance.

    Cankles, I’m looking at YOU.


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