The politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs ad infinitum are blatantly obvious – IOTW Report

The politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs ad infinitum are blatantly obvious


nterestingly, the politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs on and continue their weeks-long slumber party ad infinitum are blatantly obvious. Many on the right were concerned about coronavirus ever since hearing about the strange happenings in Wuhan. They were clamoring for President Trump to close the border with China in January, a step he took to great protest and consternation from the left who, like Nancy Pelosi, Bill de Blasio and others, were busy telling everyone it was no biggie and Trump was overreacting. But now that things are on the downward swing, it seems some conservatives and only conservatives are chomping at the bit to get things moving again in order to save the lives of countless people for whom a second Great Depression would mean the end of their livelihoods and even some of their lives long-term. The left, on the other hand, is in no hurry, and who could blame them? Of late, they’ve witnessed many of their most insane policy goals come either to fruition or within palpable reach, and they aren’t about to let some lame protesters trying to feed their families get in the way of “progress.”

Indeed, if some sort of five-headed Demogorgon combination of Che Guevara, Vladimir Lenin, Saul Alinsky, Karl Marx, and Joseph Stalin managed to emerge from the pits of hell to wreak havoc for a few months, it’s hard to imagine how the world would be different from what has happened thus far in 2020. The boon provided by the ongoing Wuhan-flu pandemic has provided a veritable leftist Christmas wishlist so exhaustive that one might be forgiven for expecting some indefatigable independent journalist to uncover evidence that Squad members traveled to Wuhan and brought the virus back themselves.

Police State Dreams Come True

Here are a few ways leftists are living out their wildest dreams in the age of corona:


7 Comments on The politics behind who wants to get back to work and who wants to keep their PJs ad infinitum are blatantly obvious

  1. One of my daughters is a leftist democrat (thanks, University of Oregon!) She owns a small business that is shut down. Even though she and her employees are hurting, and the business may never recover, she still thinks we need to keep the country shut down until the “danger has passed”. This is the kind of attitude you get when you get all your information from CNN, MSNBC, Huffpost, etc.

  2. Imagine if AOC had lost her election. As a bartender, she’d almost certainly be unemployed right now, and she’d probably be screaming about her tiny government bailout check. Instead, she’s living the high life in DC, and she’s probably good with a lockdown measured in years, not weeks.

  3. As the article stated, the left has gotten almost everything they want.

    Why doesn’t that sink in? Republicans control the Presidency, the US Senate and the majority of Governors of states. Yet the democrats got almost everything they want.


  4. More: Now the states like New York and Illinois are asking the federal gov’t to bail out their states and pension plans. The pension plans that pay some retirees $400,000 pensions.

    Do you think the republican party will bail out these profligate democrat states. They almost assuredly will. Huge federal dollars will bail out the democrats mismanagement. Republicans will go right along with it.
    They’ll try to bullshit us by saying that they got ‘structural reforms’. And it will be a bald faced lie. It always is.

    Republican politicians drive the getaway car for the democrat thieves.

    The sooner this country implodes the better.

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