The Pool Party – IOTW Report

The Pool Party

It’s A Wonderful Life- 1946


17 Comments on The Pool Party

  1. Jimmy Stewart was an anti Marxist genius! He led more successful mission on the marxist than the #2,#3 +#4 AAA officers combined with the the worst plane in the war after 1943 – The Liberator, B24. Jimmy led 42 successful missions; while going from 1 brass bar to a silver Eagle! (2nd Lt to Col civvies!)Jimmy , by Army standards, should have “rotated home” 3 times. Because he was such a strong anti Marxist (as was my neighbor G. Patton) he refused to leave the war until either he was dead or Marxism was crushed!

    H. Ford was the world’s greatest Industrial Engineer; but a very bad businessman, and an incompetent aeronautical engineer. We had lots of B24s because Ford built them . But they were bad planes.

    Jimmy not only figured out how to fly a Liberator, but – and this is why he was a genius – he was able to explain it to his men! Every mission Jim flew was a success! At least 50% of those involved dropped their bombs on the target!

    A Col who had lead 8 missions from England(like Jim). Success rate 50% to 25% depending on who wrote the story; lead mission from Africa. 8/1/43. Less than 2% of the planes in the mission dropped their bombs On Ploetsi! The Col himself had so much trouble with this airship that he dropped his bombs as soon as he got over the sea.

    B24 was a very bad plane. But Jimmy not only figured ou ow to kill with it he was able to explain to the Majs. Cptns, Its he lead how to kill with it!

  2. ExJarHead

    According to my father, who talked little about the war, Operation Tidal Wave was a cluster fxck, and if it wasn’t for Stewart it would have been a disaster.
    Interestingly enough the first airfield my father crew diploid to was BENGHAZI. Chasing Rommel.

  3. One of my favorite Christmas movies. Mike Rowe’s back story is excellent.
    I knew Stewart was conservative and involved with strategic war efforts, but didn’t know how vital his service was to insuring America’s victory.

  4. There is a Knights of Columbus Hall on the western edge of my hometown that had a swimming pool under the dance floor like this one. It’s where ZZ Top played their first performance after becoming ZZ Top. The KOC Hall is still there but the pool was done away with years ago. ZZ Top played at several of the local high school dances just before they hit it big.


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