The Pope’s Laxity Catches Up With Him – IOTW Report

The Pope’s Laxity Catches Up With Him

American Spectator: Pope Francis lectured the American bishops this week on their “crisis of credibility” even as his own reputation took another hit in the wake of revelations about one of his protégés. It turns out that another McCarrick-like predator has been nesting at the Vatican under the patronage of this famously permissive pope. “Pope Francis’ Argentinean Protégé Accused of Sex Abuse,” reported the Daily Beast.

The accused bishop is Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta, a crony of Pope Francis’s from his days as archbishop of Buenos Aires. According to the story, Zanchetta, who has been accused of preying upon priests and seminarians, has long benefited from his friendship with the pope, first in Argentina, where Bergoglio orchestrated his elevation to a top-ranking position within the Argentinean Bishops Conference and then “made his fellow countryman a bishop right after becoming pope in 2013.” Zanchetta didn’t last long in that post, resigning in 2017 under a mysterious cloud of priestly complaints and claims of poor “health.” He scurried out of Argentina without even saying a “farewell mass,” according to the story, only to turn up shortly thereafter on “Pope Francis’ doorstep in Rome,” where Zanchetta was quickly thrown a new papal plum. MORE

23 Comments on The Pope’s Laxity Catches Up With Him

  1. Matthew 18:6-But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

    Jesus stated there’s a special place in hell for these pervs.

  2. The following is a list of critical concerns of the Sisters of Mercy as posted at their convent. My comments are in parentheses.

    1 . To practice non-violence (I would hope so)
    2. To deep in our response to racism ( what racism? The racism you hear about on CNN, or is it the 23 KKK members you have never seen or heard from?)
    3. To reverence the earth ( bit the Marxist tripe hook, line, and sinker)
    4. To embrace our particular concern for women ( Why not say you are against abortion, and you are pro-life?)
    5. To stand in solidarity with immigrants ( To fill the empty pews at the risk of destroying the Republic that defends freedom of religion? How the Muslims treating your order in the southern Philipines? Is the safe room bullet and fire proof?)

    This is probably tame compared to the Benedictines at their Mount Bolshevich monestary . They are real Lefties.

  3. Ever notice how Francis the Talking Commie Pope has surrounded himself with Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests who are homo child molesters? As the saying goes “Birds of a feather, flock together”. Coincidence? Does Frankie have a built in backdoor flap in his papal robes?

  4. I believe overall the Catholic religion has been a force for good worldwide, for centuries.
    It’s just that Leftists destroy all of our institutions. (See: FBI, Justice, IRS, etc.)
    The Pope is obviously a Leftist.
    – Did the Pope really congratulate Castro or was that fake news?

  5. I have called this Bergoglio fraud Anti-Pope Narcissus from the day he was elected. He is a one man scandal and disgrace, if it only ended there it would be bad enough… it doesn’t end there – the forces of evil have been infiltrating the ranks of the church hierarchy for decades and have loaded up the College of Cardinals with their moles. The USCCB is without a doubt the most corrupt organization of any influence in the United States.

    Faithful Catholics have been pointing out these things for decades, it is only now finally starting to gain traction outside of traditionalist Catholic news sources.

  6. I’m reading ‘Diabolical’ by Milo Yiannopoulis and having a bit of a slog getting through it. It’s short, well written, and heavily footnoted. And densely packed w/so many examples of deviousness and wickedness, followed by tone deafness and inaction.
    So depressing… because it rings depressingly true to the systemic corruption that is becoming more obvious every day.
    I pray for the good priests, and admire a few outspoken ones but I am exhausted by all this.

  7. I bought ‘Diabolical’ by Milo Yiannopoulis and it sat for a couple days while I finished a hunting book, once I picked it up I couldn’t put it down. It is concise and well written.

  8. I wouldn’t call it laxity, I know that Bergoglio has been an active participant in the infiltration of the church by Marxists and he knows exactly what the score is. His hubris is what will be his undoing, he is exactly like Obama in that regard, he has a grossly inflated view of himself.


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