After Rush read excerpts the site had a Tsunami of traffic.

2016 is the Flight 93 election: charge the cockpit or you die. You may die anyway. You—or the leader of your party—may make it into the cockpit and not know how to fly or land the plane. There are no guarantees.

Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.

To ordinary conservative ears, this sounds histrionic. The stakes can’t be that high because they are never that high—except perhaps in the pages of Gibbon. Conservative intellectuals will insist that there has been no “end of history” and that all human outcomes are still possible. They will even—as Charles Kesler does—admit that America is in “crisis.” But how great is the crisis? Can things really be so bad if eight years of Obama can be followed by eight more of Hillary, and yet Constitutionalist conservatives can still reasonably hope for a restoration of our cherished ideals? Cruz in 2024!

Not to pick (too much) on Kesler, who is less unwarrantedly optimistic than most conservatives. And who, at least, poses the right question: Trump or Hillary? Though his answer—“even if [Trump] had chosen his policies at random, they would be sounder than Hillary’s”—is unwarrantedly ungenerous. The truth is that Trump articulated, if incompletely and inconsistently, the right stances on the right issues—immigration, trade, and war—right from the beginning.

Here it is in full.

ht/ too many to mention


  1. “The stakes can’t be that high because they are never that high”
    That IS exactly the problem. Too many people think we as a nation are immune from collapse. Sure, shit like that happened to ancient Rome, Egypt and other great civilizations. But this is the USA. Can’t ever happen to us. If not this election, then next one. We’ll survive because we always survived. BULLSHIT! This country has been slipping down hill since the 60s. If it keeps going, eventually we will hit the bottom. What’s considered acceptable today, would have given our grandparents a collective stroke. This Nation was never guaranteed a forever. So this bullshit of banking on 2020 has got to stop. All we have for certain is here and now to stop the collapse. Four years of Hillary combined with a empty sacked congress and it’s game over. So you fucking never Trumpers better get your heads out of you asses and into the game.

  2. Not to thrilled with Trump, but I agree I would rather take a flyer on him then get Hillary. What I am sick of is the Nevertrumpers saying don’t blame me if she wins. Hell yes I am blaming them if she wins. If trump wins, I am blaming BFH and others like him (in a good way). From there we have some control at least. We can speak up and I think he will listen. If we are loud enough. Hilary would not listen no matter how loud the people get.

  3. My dad mentioned it to me this afternoon, but I haven’t listened to Rush yet. But I did click the link and print up a copy of the article for my parents to read (they don’t read stuff off computer screens — honest. I have to print up every Patriot Retort post and give it to them in hard copy). As soon as I’m done with the Great PC to Mac conversion, I will read it myself.

  4. Well I have posted here enough that most people know I think Trump is a pile of dog crap. But I know Hillary is a pile of Elephant crap so he gets my vote I swore I would never do. I would put a pretty health bet he won
    t do any of the things he is promising. Either way I think a huge collapse is coming to finish this nation but who knows maybe Trump is the next Reagan and will surprise me? I hope I am wrong but preparing for the worst.

  5. A month or so ago former Breitbart Brat Ben Shapiro wrote a piece comparing this election to Dunkirk. He basically said we have to lose this election in order to save the future Republic and Republicans. Dumb Ass.

    This essay is a much better comparison and analysis. It makes NeverTrump Ben look like even more of an idiot.

  6. The Daily Wire has ads on FB now. I wonder if Ben has lost enough readers he has to troll for lofos on FB? I unsubscribed from his site, I no longer listen to Mark Levin, I stopped reading HotAir and I just skim random other formerly known as conservative/teaparty news sites. The #NeverTrumpers wore me out and then got on my last nerve.

    Sidenote- I was out and about yesterday and I saw one…ONE…Hillary bumper sticker, many fading Bernie ones and 5…FIVE Trump yard signs! There is no enthusiasm for Hil. None at all. They are only going vote for her because of the D behind her name.

  7. Some of us came to the realization that Trump was the answer before others. I’m still working on some of my ideological purist friends.
    But one by one they fall, like bowling pins. Patience is a virtue and bitch slapping new allies isn’t productive.

    Unless your goal is to harden their hearts and shut you out completely.

  8. Full-throated Trump Supporter here. Trump has nothing to apologize for, so I wish people would stop trying to apologize for him. To wit: “The truth is that Trump articulated, if incompletely and inconsistently, the right stances on the right issues—immigration, trade, and war—right from the beginning.” Typically written by those who started out not liking him and weren’t even listening to him make his so-called incomplete and inconsistent stances. Wrong on both counts. Frankly, that assessment doesn’t make any sense at all. Either one is articulate or one isn’t. How does one have an incomplete or inconsistent stance from the start that ends up being right after all?

  9. What I have said for quite some time to #nervertrumpers is to look at it this way:
    Even if Trump accomplishes only 5% of what he says he can do, it’s still 1,000% better than Hillary!
    I do think war is looming and that a Trump election will trigger it, because our enemies can see the window of opportunity slamming shut, but let’s face it, the way we’re headed it’s coming anyway! Hillary’s election would only continue the slow rape of the United States followed by complete takeover. A wise man once said: “Better to fight in the first trench than the last”
    We’re not in the first trench anymore, but we’re not in the last either!

  10. PHenry — When our so-called allies are doing more harm than good and when their support is extorted (“Don’t call me mean names or I won’t vote for Trump!”) they need to be b*tch slapped. They are begging for it. They like to cry out, “It’ not enough that I vote for him, I’ve also got to shut up about my grievances about him?!” Interestingly, this story is about a “Flight 93” election — I rather doubt there were passengers on UAL 93 who said, “Wait, wait! I think we got this all wrong! I’m not participating! I have my principles!”

  11. Abby. I hope to never meet you in person. You are a most disagreeable sort. Pretty sure I wouldn’t like you.
    Get over yourself and your prescience. It’s about winning an election. Not about who was the smartest the first.
    You win over no allies. You’re the smartest person you ever met.
    End of transmission.

  12. @Perspective IMHO Western WA will lose it for Trump. Instead of dead voters, King County will rouse all of homeless and get them to the polls. Eastern WA will go for Trump but they won’t be enough to overcome the socialist bent to this side of the mountains. The only caveat is how many millennial tech workers still cry over Bernie’s mistreatment and will decide to stay home or will make a protest (because they love a good protest!) vote for Trump. We’ll be with the stupid states in blue on the left coast while the country is painted in red everywhere else.

    @Abrigail might have a different opinion for sure. I’m a pessimist when it comes to voters here.

  13. @Perspective — I would just say that if we do lose it won’t be for not trying. I think Illust8r is right, though, I am an optimist about this. It was quite an eye opener to witness the crowd and the enthusiasm in Everett recently. Not a lot of eastern WA attendees, either — mostly from here in western WA. Even some folks form Eugene, OR — and that’s saying a lot. We have a mail-in ballot and an election official with a great record of honest elections in King county (Seattle). So, fingers crossed. (My mom, aunt and other die-hard D’s are voting Trump.)

  14. @Illustr8r — Geoff C. and I talked to a gaggle of youngsters (~24-27 yo) at the Puyallup fair this weekend. All voting for Trump. One guy was so funny. He had his black MAGA hat on backwards and I went up to him to tell him that Geoff C. didn’t wear his hat so as not to invite unwanted heckling. The kid said to Geoff C., “Hey bro, gotta get with the program! I wore mine in order to pi$$ people off!” Not your typical R voter! Warmed my heart they all were excited about old, white guys like Guliani and Sessions, as well. Too funny.

  15. Levin isn’t the crazy AntiTrumper that Beck turned out to be. He’s voting for Trump and says it fairly often. Of course, it doesn’t help to hammer Trump’s weaknesses to a national audience, he ought to let the election play out and then speak up, but I can still listen most days.
    Beck, on the other hand, lost me completely when he betrayed a trust to a loyal audience and assigned sinister motives to us for backing the nominee. Not too smart.
    And they just dumped The Blaze from my Cablevision.

  16. Anybody who doesn’t see Trump as the best thing since Ronald is just taking up valuable space.

    Any other position, no matter how cleverly reasoned, is flawed.

    Get saved, get a life, and join the ranks of the living rather than wishing your life away for some to bit lawyer politician.

  17. @Abigail My insights to local youngsters are the kids that Mr Illustr8r manages (along with our circle of artsy friends who are oldsters)- all voting for Hillary but they can’t tell you why. Trump is a pop culture icon. I thought Trumps image would sway their vote just for the kitsch of pulling the lever for The Donald. Nope. They all watch late night TV, The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and determine who to vote for based on who the hosts make fun of.

    However, you give me hope! 🙂

  18. I’ve been for Trump since he first started campaigning. (Before him, it was Cruz.) My initial draw to him was I thought he would be the best ‘fuck you’ candidate in the face of all the GOPe’s bullshit maneuvering. (They all deserve to be bitch-slapped back to the beginning of Time after their 8-year betrayal to their loyal base.)

    He’s still the best ‘fuck you’ to all those smarmy asswipes in the House and Senate. My vote is fully hard-wired. No “what-ifs” are up for consideration.

  19. Thank You Illustr8r & Abigail.

    I’m east of Oly and I am suprised at how few hillary signs I see and I know a couple of dems that are going to vote for Trump. Feeling hopeful.

    Accidently caught medved on radio yesterday saying there is no way Trump could win Wa because it was an Obama state. Obama state??? Really? Okay. Quit listening to him quite awhile back.

  20. I WISH the Republican party didn’t need Trump. And, I WISH the Nation didn’t need the Republican party or any other. I WISH our choice was between Madison and Jefferson. Alas, none of this is so.

    An old flame once told me, “Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which fills up first.”

    Sometimes, reality stinks. Do we deal with it as it is, or do we continue to WISH for what cannot be?

    Vote Trump. Vote term limits. Vote Liberty.

  21. I know I keep saying this… but I can’t wait for Trump’s bean counters to get in there and expose all the corruption and misuse of Taxpayer Dollars, Fraud, insider trading that goes on in Congress, etc., etc. Every MONDAY he should peel another onion layer for the public to see. Let the media run wild with the news all week long … and you know they’ll have to! The Elite class of Politics will be destroyed. They’ll have a hard time trying to foist their crimes on the public come next election, or at least for a while. THAT is our Revolution. No shots fired.

    Please Pray for Trump’s safety.

  22. I’m wearing my Trump pin to DH’s family reunion this coming weekend. It should be interesting. With the exception of an M.D. and a half dozen B.S.s, most are blue collar Catholics. I have no doubt the tree hugger teachers will freak.

    I will take a mental poll of even unspoken reactions.

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