The “Preferred Team of White Nationalists” Win the Super Bowl – IOTW Report

The “Preferred Team of White Nationalists” Win the Super Bowl

Didn’t you know? The Patriots represent MAGA, and MAGA means you’re a white nationalist.

And Brady and squad are aging and decrepit and have cheating asses.


The left is deranged.

56 Comments on The “Preferred Team of White Nationalists” Win the Super Bowl

  1. I just turned it on to see a teeny woman sportscaster try to do her interview with Tom Brady and she was being crushed in the crowd of huge guys wanting to say congrats and hug each other for a game well played.

    Again, why? So out of place.

  2. I’m not a natural patriots fan. I moved to mass in 1990, when the football team was the laughing stock of the league. I was a redskin fan back when they were dominant.

    But it has been fun watching this team grow into a dynasty. It’s undeniable.

  3. I’ll admit I watched it…Wow….Tony Romo makes Joe Buck tolerable..

    What was up with Him on that stool after the Halftime shitshow?

    He looked like an effeminater 0bama…

    The only watchable commercial was from (of all places) the NFL.

    It’s 3 to nothing the whole game and the Romosexual kept on about how

    bad the Rams were doing…

  4. Reading that screed made me very proud to find myself being among the people described as “associating yourself with a virulent and revolting strain of politics that seeks to Make America Great Again — which is to say, white, European, English-speaking.” As if there is anything wrong with being among the people who actually Made America Great in the first place. Thank you Tom Brady, Coach Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft. Congratulations!

  5. I was rooting so hard for the “Sanctuary City” team to lose. Glad they did. Now to see how many residents of this city O.D. / commit suicide because they lost. With any luck maybe some of the Illegal population will be reduced as well.

  6. Stan Kroenke is the worst owner in sports…Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche….the Rams before they became L.A. again. however, he can suck every dollar out of an awaiting cities funds. Those would be the cities that are awaiting to pay for all the free shit like a stadium, hockey rink….do your research BB….! million to Trump was just a pat on his tookus…

  7. I’ll consider watching again if they get rid of Goodell. The players stopped kneeling for the most part and thats great. Goodell is a social justice warrior wantabe and I’m actually more pissed at him than I was the players. He could have quashed all this crap from the get go but didn’t have the balls. I hold no ill feelings toward anyone that watches but I’m just a bullheaded aging curmudgeon that sticks to his guns.

  8. OK, this is why I think it’s good. How do you not like the name PATRIOTS? Robert Kraft, the owner, Belichick, and Brady are proud MAGA fans. They were assumed to be on the downhill slide, then went out and beat the three best offenses in the NFL this year. The Chargers, the Chiefs, and the Rams, all presumably had better personnel. Who won? The PATRIOTS!!

  9. So yeah, BB got me a bit lit up…..The L.A. Rams are gonna have to meet some salary/pay cap problems within’ a couple of years. Stan is gonna let the best go because he already got payed for the stadium and will still get paid for the concessions……

    OT as hell…Irv Brown died today at age 84….Hall of fame basketball referee. First collegiate referee to become an announcer. Coached baseball at U of Colorado….One of the most knowledgeable sports trivia guys around EVER…..He was FUUUUNNY!!!!….probably like watching BB get out of his rucksack at 4 am….LOL…

  10. Sorry to differ. Crapfest game surpassed only by the even crappier halftime ‘entertainment'(?!?)
    Does Goff realize he is supposed to be an NFL QB??

    Imagine if it were Brees v Mahomes instead !

    Only the ad with all the Super Bowl champions at the formal dinner that went Three Stooges…… only that, was worth watching at all.

  11. @ Bad_Brad – I said the SAME EXACT thing to me troops, I could have sworn he said REAGAN!

    I agree on the game…we actually turned the half time OFF and TALKED to each other about our day.

    Did we miss much?

    Best commercial? Microsoft. It reminded it of us IOTWer’s…do YOU know what I look like? Do you CARE?

  12. ghost of brig gen j glover

    The Gateway Pundit has the audio. He clearly said Reagan.
    Half time I started hauling more Firewood in. With all this Globul warming taking place they’re predicting real low snow here in NorCal tomorrow. But I missed most of the halftime show. The wife said it was pretty good.

    Here’s the link. I didn’t here any other audible from either QB all night. Just this one and it was Crystal. Pretty funny.

    PS, Brady yells Reagan like he’s fond of the guy or something. I love the Pats.

  13. Difficult Tim –

    They’re still kneeling. It’s just not televised anymore. The common folk were getting too uppity.

    I was on my way away from the NFL when the players started started doing dance and shit after each play and the introduction of instant replay. Kapernicks kneeling just sealed it for me.

    When I boycott something…I stay that way and don’t go back.

  14. @ Bad_Brad – we had the FIRE going and glowing as well…

    @ Tim Buktu – can you imagine the OPTICS at the WHITE WHITE Patriot House…!!!!

    Listening to the hate fest tomorrow will be unfortunate for them and GLORIOUS for US!

  15. @ Bad_Bad_Brad….”If your not a student of the game?”…Wrestling is a winter sport, fall/winter fishing is a football sport….admit it! I think I know you!….you can’t catch a football ….not even a good one….We used to call you guys chipmunks because your cheeks fill up before your hands do….LOL


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