The president calls out Bruce Ohr and his wife on Twitter – IOTW Report

The president calls out Bruce Ohr and his wife on Twitter

9 Comments on The president calls out Bruce Ohr and his wife on Twitter

  1. I love this President. The other “Republican” Predidents and failed nominees may as well have been Democrats. God please protect President Trump and defeat the plans of the Enemy to destroy our nation.

  2. Jet Jaguar

    It’s IMPORTANT to know the difference. Trumps a Nationalist. All the rest have been Globalists. Because “Free Trade” and shit. Everybodies light should be lit now about “Free Trade”. Free Traders are Globalists, Globalists are the swamp. Everyone Trump ran against in the Primaries was a Globalist. Everyone!

  3. @Bad_Brad – Spot on! I try whenever the subject comes up to explain why “free trade” is anything BUT free, but rather managed by globalist/multinationalist corporations to maximize profits in every country they do business in in direct contravention of free market pricing. The effect here in the U.S. is to siphon huge amounts of dollars into overseas pockets. And by “huge” I mean TRILLIONS with a TR.

  4. Uncle Al
    That amount of money is insane. Who negotiated these deals in the first place? “We want all your economy. OK”. Did these people get some sort of dumb ass minuscule pay off? Do they have kids? Do they have Grand Children? But they sell out our economy for what? These people need to be hung from a street lamp. I’m not joking.

  5. Brad
    Nice summary on the nationalism approach, and it opposite.
    The difference between the two is stark.

    The Ohr household must be a joy tonight, ham radio fired up, lawyers demanding big time cash up front, right smack in the middle of every-thing-gate. If this were the Clintons, Bill would be dodging lamps, trying hard to not slip on the empty Grey Goose
    bottles, which is hard to do at their place. Poor man. I suspect Bruce O is being abused by his lovely wife right about now, but so far no leaks as to the form of that abuse, though its certain he will flip first. Or flip, first.

  6. I have to go through hours of conflict of interest training, anti-bribery and ethics every year. I would be fired on the spot for even referring a vendor that I had a personal connection to and did not disclose. So my wife would be a no brainer.

    No way on earth Ohr should be anywhere near anything to do with Trump.

    It is a coup attempt and that is not an overstatement. They all think they are too big to jail and that politics will prevent them from consequences.

    So far, they have been 100% right.


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