The President Has Sent Out an Email Blast – IOTW Report

The President Has Sent Out an Email Blast

There’s been a lot of noise today and a lot of rumors.

Let me set the record straight in the simplest language possible…


Apparently, liberals in Congress and the mainstream media need one more reminder that building the wall is non-negotiable.

So please, sign our petition to demand that we BUILD THE WALL.

Thank you,

President Donald J Trump signature headshot
Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

14 Comments on The President Has Sent Out an Email Blast

  1. I’m not saying this was the plan, but all this news today has resulted in Trump supporters mobilizing to demand the wall get built. Trump and Congress is getting an ear full.

    From Jack Posobiac:
    GOP Chief of Staff on the Hill tells me: “Everyone is against it. The phones won’t stop. I’ve never seen anything like this.”


    Could it be that this was Trump’s plan? To use voter outrage to mobilize Republicans in Congress?

    Like I said, I’m not saying that’s the case. Just tossing it out here.

  2. Could it be that this was Trump’s plan? To use voter outrage to mobilize Republicans in Congress?>>
    And that is why when we post our disappointment and outrage and suspicions and .. etc.
    it’s important to not be met with derision for doing our duty.

  3. That’s cool and all. The wall was one of the lynchpins of his campaign.

    However, I belive not addressing and fixing the abuse of the immigration system known as chain migration equally as strongly is a huge mistake. I know. One thing at a time. I consider chain migration more of a problem than the lack of a wall.

  4. Ditto. We got along fine without a wall for nearly 200 years. Mind you, I’m not against building a wall, in fact I favor it, but enforcing the laws forcefully is far more effective and urgent.

    And take down the damned bird feeder!!!

  5. Honestly, I seriously doubt POTUS Trump played on the outrage of his base. He doesn’t have to. He is our voice. He means what he says and says what he means. That’s why even with the disappointment of Sessions as AG, I don’t worry that President Trump is playing games with me. It’s not that he’s too ham-fisted to cover himself, it’s that he told us he would always make his decisions based on what is the right thing for America and the right thing for Americans. People who either are too suspicious of his motives or are otherwise in and out and back in and then back out on him are tiresome to me. This is a movement with a long trajectory and miles to go before we rest. You have to take it that way or drive yourself and everyone around you nuts.

  6. Some form of DACA will likely pass and be signed. I hope that it will be highly restricted, with applicants thoroughly investigated (very expensive). Participation numbers closer to 200 to 300 thousand would be more palatable. It would also need to ban any form of family reunification (outside of spouse and children) through eventual residency or citizenship. Making them or their children anchor babies promotes future illegal immigration.

    The major problem with the immigration debate is that nearly every individual case is compelling. Many who condemn illegal immigration also know someone who entered or stayed illegally for whom they have compassion and consider to be a special case. At the same time, a nation’s borders must be enforced and immigration laws respected.

    Trump is looking for a balance, but I don’t know if it exists. I walked away from the debate years ago, when it became obvious that the subject had polarized to the extent that no solution would be acceptable. Until the contrast is turned down, way down, on this debate, I see no workable solution to the problem.

    A great deal of the problem can be blamed on open borders activists on Republican congressional staffs. It was their insistence on a road to citizenship for “dreamers” that scuttled efforts at immigration reform during the previous Republican majority.

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