The President Invites FC Dallas U-15 to White House (satire) – IOTW Report

The President Invites FC Dallas U-15 to White House (satire)

The post title is satire, but the story is real. (The president should invite the 15 year-old boys who beat the women’s national soccer team. That would really send a message.)

This is the game where boys under 15 years of age beat RAPINOE’S team 5-2 in what was supposed to be a tune-up for their match with Russia.

Good luck finding any highlights of the game that used to exist on Youtube. They are gone. Scrubbed.

‘LOOOL women’s football is so sh*t, better stick to the ironing’.

Some people had a good laugh this week after there were reports of the USA women’s national team (USWNT) losing 5-2 against a team of Under-15 boys from FC Dallas. Some on Twitter even gleefully revelled in the fact that the women’s game has been ‘shown up’.

The story first appeared on FC Dallas’ website and was then ‘reported’ elsewhere.

The original post is now blocked by Dallas, most likely because a nice thing about youngsters having the chance to have an informal kick-about with World Cup winners and national heroes was later twisted into an attack by banter-obsessed pages and tweeters, suggesting that even a group of U15 boys could comfortably beat what is the best women’s team in the world.

This, in a week where the collective bargaining agreement for both the men’s and women’s US national teams was renewed and equal pay has been a subject of much debate, has given overtly sexist knuckle draggers all the ammunition they think they need to lay into women’s football.

We have other examples of women versus boys that haven’t been scrubbed.

Women’s U23 v. Boys U16. Boys win 7-0.

Girls Basketball team versus Boys Soccer (playing basketball.) Boys win.

Women’s National Team from Guyana versus Boys High School team from England. Boys win 5-2.

Not piling on to be misogynistic, it’s just that women’s sports is not the top level of the sport and shouldn’t be paid the same. Sports is entertainment. You don’t pay the same as an advertiser if you’re buying a spot on Seinfeld versus a spot on The New Adventures of Old Christine.

20 Comments on The President Invites FC Dallas U-15 to White House (satire)

  1. still scratching my head & wondering why there are no women in MLB, the NFL or the NHL. I mean not even in their minor leagues or college!

    …. just can’t figure this one out ….. hmmmmmm

    btw, “The New Adventures of Old Christine”???

  2. What’s next? The lawn bowlers association is going to want NFL-level pay? ‘Cause that’s what’s going on here. Rapinoe just spent the last dime of dispassionate viewers’ good will toward women’s soccer. I’ve never watched it, nor women’s basketball. But those sports aren’t interesting to me, anyway. Sue Bird (Byrd?) got on the Rapinoe bandwagon last week, too.

  3. Claudia — Yes, we do. And frankly I’d rather have some time of a weekend doing what I like to do while Geoff C. entertains himself with racing, golf and team sports. I’ll make the snacks, gladly!

  4. Do not know how many times I came home exhausted after very long hours at work, smelling of JP-4/5/8, solvent, grease, hydraulic fluid, and sweat. Lovely wife greeted me at the door with happy, smiling, squeaky clean kids, an immaculate house, hot dinner, fresh towel and a change of undies at the shower. That is happiness butch dykes on the soccer team will never experience. They can have all the trophies they want. Would never trade them for mine.

  5. What is interesting is that in pro tennis both sexes do get pretty good turnout, and are paid comparably. I’m sure one gets more than the other but at least they are the same magnitude. Perhaps golf as well. But in any other sport the women aren’t even close, nobody is interested. So it is clearly market-driven. If you want to get paid more you have to bring in more, that’s the way it is no matter what business you are in.

  6. I coached my daughter in grade school co-ed soccer
    – In first grade they were still somewhat equal
    – In second grade a couple of boys excelled
    – By third grade it was dangerous for the girls. They were getting roughed up during body bumps

  7. Left Coast Dan–I’d like to know what the metric is for “fairness.” Is it overall revenue? You mention tennis–the Wimbledon prize money is the same for the men and women, but the men play best 3 out of 5 sets while the women play best 2 out of 3–so equal pay for unequal work. And as for ability, just look at mixed doubles. How many of the women get aced by the men versus the other way around?


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