The President is a very funny guy… – IOTW Report

The President is a very funny guy…

ht/ nm

15 Comments on The President is a very funny guy…

  1. President Donald Trump is an American Hero and a funny, entertaining guy. In the next few days I’ll be getting my annual phone calls from my brothers and I know a couple of the first questions will be, “so, do you still like Trump”. And it will be asked in a condescending, I’m smarter than you tone of voice. Typical Minnesotans.

  2. Yep, know what ya mean Joe!
    Used to have to deal with that myself, but, fortunately my siblings have given up throwing snark or trying to ‘reclaim’ me. My debate refuses to be informed by pure emotion. Consequently they run from implacable facts and logic, just as a certain Walachian prince fled each new dawn.
    Still love ’em, though. And, I think they might like me. I’m patient.


  3. Trump’s way of joking is so fantastic that when he says only a limited number of illegals are going to be consistently allowed into the country, everybody laughs because they know he doesn’t mean it. Because . . . Wall!
    I am not amused by political fakery.

    Trump Lets Caravan Illegals Into USA, Inspiring More Caravans to Form
    February 1, 2019
    by William Gheen
    President of ALIPAC
    Most Trump voters believe that President Donald Trump has stopped the illegal alien caravans at America’s borders to keep asylum seekers in Mexico through orders to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which oversees our Border Patrol and ICE agents.
    Unfortunately, this is not true and fits into the pattern of many false promises and statements emanating from Donald Trump and the White House on immigration issues.

    THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2019
    The Kushner Invasion
    “Did I not warn ALL OF YOU that Donald Trump was doing a shell game on the fake Border Emergency and right on schedule, after this blog EXCLUSIVELY ALERTED YOU that on FOX Laura Ingraham, Jared Kushner stated Donald Trump did not want to END illegal invasion but LIMIT IT, . . . ”

  4. Whether he wins again in 2020 or not. He is not going anywhere. He will use social media to embarrass all those that have given him grief and they are too stupid to understand this. They think he is out of control now…. Just wait….

  5. AA, Where are your own facts to refute mine? Provide your own references. CIA/Pentagoons always online prepared to stop any truth that exposes political criminals controlling the USA. They can only use personal attack, but never produce facts. As for Trump, he is a controlled puppet who is not using his own powers of Presidential position, because the traitors around him WON’T carry them out. No wall. No armed National Guard sent to protect the border from invaders. Illegals are NOT being sent to ready-made FEMA-Rex84 internment camps. They are enemy invaders, but are being inserted into America on purpose. And if Jews have more power than anybody else to control America, why do they? Don’t agree? Then do the research to know.

    President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing its mass release of border crossers and illegal aliens into the interior of the United States, most recently releasing more than 17,000 migrants in less than two weeks.

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