The president is enjoying the sparse briefing room – IOTW Report

The president is enjoying the sparse briefing room

ht/ kpark

8 Comments on The president is enjoying the sparse briefing room

  1. He’s the president I’ve been wanting for for a long time.

    Nothing to be ashamed of when he comes up for discussion. It’s either agreement or some lefty repeating the lies they’ve been told about him – nothing original or truthful.

    The more bent they are the more I laugh.

    Drives one of my lefty customers mad. That guy has been a total shut-in for the last 10 years and all he listens to are the lefty propaganda stations. He’s so easy to squash – all I have to do is point him to a source, or bring the source next time I see him. Doesn’t matter – he’s a true lefty addicted to his TDS


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